Friday, September 1, 2023

Why investment in renewable energy (at scale) is stagnating...

 and why the transition away from fossil fuels is too.

Both clips above seem to reinforce my hypothesis expressed here:

As the erudite political scientist and human ecologist Dr. Patrick Ophuls states:  "Electrifying the Titanic" (one of his book titles) is a good thing, but it won't suffice.  We also have to convert from a high-energy society to a low-energy society.  High energy use requires natural resource abundance (ecological abundance), but we're at the beginning of natural resource scarcity.  We've already picked the low-hanging fruit (so to speak); what's left is getting too expensive to extract from the ecosphere.  We're talking about dozens of metals and several rare earth elements.  Never mind water and petroleum.  All are necessary for the production of high tech renewable energy gizmos.  We must transition to renewables, but we also have to change our lifestyle and worldview.  Scientific studies and common sense make that crystal clear.

In short, we have to phase out of exponential, perpetual economic growth and overconsumption if we are to survive and thrive.  Not converting to a low-energy society will result in a much worse Crisis (both eco and econ) than what we're in today.  The scale of it will be unprecedented in human history.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

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