Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Israeli Leadership & Hamas are EQUALLY guilty of not only war crimes, but also stupidity


1)  Attacking facilities such as hospitals, residences, refugee shelters, schools, U.N. SHELTERS - where not only adult civilians but also CHILDREN are present - is totally inexcusable.  It's immoral, unethical, and unlawful.  It's criminal, no matter what the excuse for it.  [Have other countries (including the USA) done anything similar?  Yes, but such does not make it right or legal.]

2)  Telling refugees to evacuate to the south for safety, and then attacking the south, killing and maiming civilian adults AND CHILDREN, also is a war crime.

3)  The Leadership is stupid if they think the CRIMINAL acts of Hamas justify "collective punishment" in Gaza AND THE WEST BANK.  That doesn't fly in a civil society.  They're also stupid if they believe ethnic cleansing is justifiable, and if they think the world doesn't know they are trying to get all Palestinians to leave both Gaza and the West Bank.  Finally, they're stupid if they don't see that their actions are creating a whole new generation of militants.


a)  Because of its scale and immoral brutality, their initial attack was not only criminal, but also a WAR CRIME.  Period.

b)  Hamas is stupid because they had to know how egregious the Israeli response would be.  They had to know civilian "shields" wouldn't mean a damned thing to the Israeli Leadership.  Why?  Because the current Leadership has been strangling Gaza for quite awhile, and bulldozing Palestinian homes in the West Bank as well.  They don't care one whit about the lives of Palestinians.  [I'm referring only to Israel's current Leaders, not all Israelis.]

SIDE NOTE---  Most of the Fed Gov't here in the USA should be completely ashamed of their involvement in this whole scenario, and of their weak, tepid criticism of the KILLING OF OVER 5,000 CHILDREN.  The greatest amount of shame on you.  Such will not be forgotten for a long time.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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