Sunday, December 3, 2023

OIL, Plus the Target Date for the Global Financial [& thus Economic] RESET: 2030

A few years ago, the IMF launched a ten-year Plan to reshuffle the world's reserve currency system.  It became known popularly as The Global Currency Reset.  There are options other than the IMF version, as seen here:  [NOTE:  don't confuse this Reset with the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset".]

Many, many factors are responsible for bringing about the need for a Reset, but here we are focusing on only one:  OIL.
The Establishment loves fossil energy because it has been relatively cheap, abundant, and convenient; plus, it has made possible the seemingly never-ending GROWTH of the economy.  For about 150 years, we've had a glut of such energy.  That's why we think such a situation is the norm.  It's not.

The low-hanging fruit (so to speak) is almost gone.  Most remaining fossil energy is locked up in shale, limestone, and tar sands.  It's abundant, but not cheap or convenient to obtain.

We also need tons and tons of minerals (which includes metals), and they are no longer low-hanging fruit.  We especially need them for the transition to Green energy, which currently is proceeding at a snail's pace.

Examine all of Dr. Michaux's MAPS (not just the first one) at the link above.  They contain a wealth of information (especially for planners and policy-makers) relative to economies, currencies, wars, geopolitics, and more.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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