Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Public Awareness of ‘Nuclear Winter’ is Too Low Given Current Risks

This (see the title above) is particularly true in the UK and the USA; however, I'm guessing it's also true in other places around the world.  Decades ago, I'm fairly certain most people were up to speed on the highly probable effects of nuclear war and the aftermath of nuclear winter on the biosphere.  

Nowadays, we have several world leaders who have developed, or are developing, so-called tactical (rather than strategic) nuke weapons.  Apparently, they think use of them will have no serious or long-term deleterious effects on the life which survives such a war.  According to the scientific fields of ecology, biology, climatology, and physics, such thinking is sheer nonsense.

Leaders such as Obama, Trump, and Biden (all of whom are responsible for our tactical nuke weapon arsenal) have displayed a mind-boggling ignorance of nuclear winter.  How tragic, and that's just in the USA.  I imagine leaders in other nuke weapon countries are just as bad.

In democratic countries, voters need to wake up and kick such politicians out of office.  Nuclear weapons are not necessary to defend a nation, not any nation.

If green plants and oceanic algae - which are the base of food chains AND supply us with oxygen - can't get adequate sunlight for months (perhaps up to a year or two), then such will be an extinction level event for many animals, possibly including humans.  In any case, famine would be widespread.  If animals are subjected to an atmosphere overburdened with soot and other fine particulates from explosion updraft, populations will crash.  Any animal with lungs would be severely impacted.  Then, on top of everything above, there's the damage from radioactive fallout.  Never mind the impact on fresh water supplies.  Ionizing radiation is the ultimate pollution.

BOTTOM LINE:  maintaining nuke weapons not only is the height of ignorance, it's an egregious insult to civil society and a stupidly dangerous risk to all life.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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