Sunday, January 14, 2024

Science does not deal in Absolutes when it comes to the conclusions of research studies

 In my education and work, I've been involved in various aspects of science for a bit more than five decades.  Over time, it seems more and more people have developed a serious misconception regarding research in almost all fields of science.

When it comes to the conclusions of a study (not the measurements leading up to conclusions), Science and scientists usually deal in degrees of probability, not certainty.  In other words, science is not absolute.  Why?  There are too many unknown variables to be accounted for in any scientific investigation.  Because of that, when new discoveries are made in a particular area of research, the previous theory is likely to be modified or even discarded.  With new research, past conclusions often change. We should never forget:  for a long time, it was believed to be a "fact" that the Sun revolved around the Earth.  After all, anyone could SEE it happening every day.  "Proof" positive.  :)

New discoveries by the super-telescope, the orbiting "James-Webb-Space-Telescope" (JWST, launched in 2021), are debunking our concept of Space-Time.  Specifically, Time (as we perceive it) now appears to be nonexistent, an illusion made-up by humans.  

In addition, these new findings question the "fact" of a single Big Bang creating the universe. That "absolute" now is being re-considered in depth.  Furthermore, repeated cycles of creation and destruction of the entire universe - in line with Vedic philosophy & the Upanishads - appear to be likely.  [Scientists don't mention anything about the Vedas, but that's what they're now considering.]   Also, the new info suggests the probability that existence is one big NOW, i.e., the past, present, and future all exist at once.

This is Science at its best - past "facts" being challenged by new discoveries.

So, ancient wisdom may be ahead of modern-day cosmologists.  In any case, the new discoveries of the JWST are strongly suggesting that the human concept of TIME is all wrong.

People should not lose belief in Science just because it deals in degrees of probability (regarding conclusions of a study) rather than absolute certainty.  Not even scientists are all-knowing.  A number of theoretical physicists have stated:  humans barely have scratched only the surface of Reality. 
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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