Thursday, November 7, 2024

27.8% of ALL Adult Americans Voted Trump into Office in 2024 = not much of a mandate

 While his victory was impressive, let's put Trump's win into GENUINE perspective, as follows.

1.  In 2023, there were 262,083,034 ADULT Americans in the USA.  That number includes all voters plus all those who don't vote.

2.  In the election, 72,895,705 people voted for Trump.

3.  Conclusion:  it took only 27.8% of ALL adult Americans to elect our President.  [Historically, it usually took only a tad over 25% to win the Presidency.]

The "mandate" being touted by the Trumpican Party is a mandate from about 28% of American adults.  Even if we consider only those who voted in the election, Trump secured only a fraction over 50% of the vote.  It was barely a majority.

Everyone should keep ALL these numbers in mind when thinking about what some are calling "the greatest victory in the history of American elections".  Such characterization is a real stretch, eh?
Not only my opinion.  Happy Trails

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