Thursday, November 14, 2024

Here's precisely why & how the American Empire is ending, and Trump has a very minor role

 Jeffrey Sachs is a respected international economist, a notable Professor, and an experienced consultant to governments in the arena of international negotiations.  In this relatively short and recent interview, he gives a no-holds-barred view of why and how the unipolar world is changing to a multipolar one.  The days of the Government of the USA being the Big Kahuna are coming to an end.  In most respects, such is not a bad thing.  On the international stage, our Fed Gov't over decades has become arrogant and bullying, and that has been in play long before Trump.

Trump became somewhat popular largely because of his TV Reality Show.  Here's the only thing you need to remember about that show:  it was scripted FICTION.  In the real world, DJT primarily was a failure in business.  If you don't believe it, look closely into his various businesses from the 1980's to the present.  You'll find numerous bankruptcies, the shafting of contractors, the shafting of employees, court cases against him, fines, etc.  He once claimed he got his start with "a small loan of a million dollars" from his father.  

David Cay Johnston, the investigative journalist and Pulitzer Prize winning author, has written a number of best-selling books about economics, Big Business, and Trump.  In one of the Trump books, he states that Fred Trump "loaned" Donald a total of sixty million dollars over the years.  So much for DJT's "small loan".

It wouldn't surprise me at all if, when Trump says he'll "make America great again", he  imagines a hundred-year (or maybe a thousand-year:) State-Corporate Complex with his descendants at the helm.  Based on his history of the last forty years, though, what's highly likely to occur is this:  he will self-destruct.  In the next two to four years, his management and policies will destroy the popularity he has now with the 28% (of all American adults) who elected him.  Example:  watch what happens when he implements his much-touted Tariff increases.  [See this 12-minute clip, previously posted on this blog: ]

BOTTOM LINE:  Trump will not be able to stop what Prof. Sachs says is coming to the world extremely soon.  DJT's so-called strongman image is a complete charade.  Most of his supporters soon will see he's nothing more than a serial liar who is somewhat clever.

Watch the Jeffrey Sachs interview (the first link in this essay).  It's quite an eye-opener.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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