Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Approaching the Net Energy Cliff


It's difficult to see how any objective person can deny it, but apparently (from what I've read and watched), many do.  Combine what's at the link above with the narrative at the link below, and any denial becomes nonsensical.


When reality says there's a high probability troubles are coming soon, it's best to plan for them instead of burying our heads in the sand or relying on a vague notion of "human ingenuity" (and the Market) to somehow see us through.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Wildfires, the micronutrient chromium-3, the highly toxic chromium-6, & Climate Change

Our bodies contain various metals, e.g. zinc, which are necessary for proper nutrition.  Another of those metals is chromium-3 (Cr-3), which helps in metabolizing glucose, the "fuel" of living things.  Chromium-3 is commonly found in soils in the western USA, Australia, Europe, and several other countries.

There's another form of chromium which is highly toxic, chromium-6 (Cr-6).  Research has shown that wildfires can convert Cr-3 into Cr-6.  The toxic metal then is updrafted into the atmosphere and carried various distances.  Read the short Stanford news article found at the link above for more information.

By now, most people are aware that wildfires are exacerbated by the ongoing changes in climate.  All the above gives humans one more reason to mitigate climate disruption ASAP.  We aren't doing nearly enough, or fast enough.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Friday, December 15, 2023

WOW, "Beyond Growth": Jason Hickel on Capital, GDP, the Global North, EU's Green Deal, Economics+

[You may have to adjust it back to the beginning.]

Prof. Jason Hickel is a comprehensive, holistic thinker who grasps the value and complexity of the systems approach to problem-solving.  In this short talk (introductory remarks to a "Beyond Growth" Conference in Europe), he wows and inspires the audience with a concise no-holds-barred view of the human predicament and the best choices for moving forward.

As Hickel verbally unpacks multiple crucial issues in his rapid-fire delivery, I'm again reminded of how Europe (in general) is light-years ahead of the USA when it comes to sustainability considerations.  Here in my country (which I love & never would leave), it often seems as though the overwhelming majority of adults are mired in the dogma of infinite economic growth.  It's sacrosanct.  It's a given, never to be questioned.  It's a secular religion.  Such must change if our species is to survive and thrive.

On the bright side, I'm encouraged by the interest developing online in the ideas of not only Hickel, but also William E. Rees, Nate Hagens, Simon Michaux, Brian Czech, Vandana Shiva, Peter Kalmus, Joseph Tainter, Steve Keen, Giorgos Kallis, Dennis Meadows, Josh Farley, Patrick Ophuls, and many other natural and/or social scientists.  As more people become aware of planetary boundaries and biophysical issues, the better our chances of successfully navigating through the current, multi-pronged Crisis.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The ultimate refuting of...,

 "a rising tide lifts all boats" (once used to justify the high incomes and tax breaks for the Super-Rich)---

[Image is from Inequality.org, The Institute for Policy Studies.]

Looks like either some folks don't even have a "boat" to be lifted, or they're in a completely separate ocean, or both, eh?

I have nothing against anyone being Rich as long as they didn't shaft people to get there, and as long as they don't demonize or degrade poor folks, and as long as they act with integrity and compassion.  Not all Rich people are jerks or criminals; but some, based on their words & actions, certainly appear to be.  Trump immediately comes to mind.  :)

p.s.  For any new readers here, I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.  In my intemperate youth, was a Conservative Republican until both were hijacked; then a bit later, a Libertarian (a few good concepts there, but too much belief in Corporatism).  Now, and for awhile, strictly Independent, often even apolitical.  There's way too much dogma and corruption across the entire political spectrum, almost completely closed-minded.  It's no wonder they rarely get anything worthwhile done.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Monday, December 11, 2023

"Old School, the Vikings, the Realists/Community Preppers, and the Arcadians"

 From the mining engineer, Dr. Simon Michaux and the ecologist, Dr. Nate Hagens, four metaphors for the people of the world (all of us) as we face the ongoing socio-eco-econ-ethical Crisis.


The title of the video is "The Arcadian Blueprint".  In it, Michaux and Hagens offer specific details for a beginning of the transition to sustainability.  Basically, it's an introduction to Michaux's "resource based economy".  [I posted this link (but with different commentary) awhile ago, maybe a month or so.  The video is both entertaining and extremely informative.]

Which of the four metaphors (or what combination) applies to you?
Old School---
those who believe everything will soon get back to "normal"; it's okay, the Powers-That-Be are handling it; we'll muddle through; reductionist thinkers.
The Vikings---
those who take advantage of the disruption by "raiding" the economy and the ecosphere, grabbing whatever they can for themselves; little to no social conscience, or concern for future generations.
The Realists/Community Preppers---
those who see the Crisis, and are working toward fairly immediate, short-term solutions re energy, food, water, shelter, and economy for their family, often in concert with neighbors or the whole community.  [Note: this category does not include those few people who believe a bunker, rifles, hand grenades, claymore mines, and razor wire are needed for defense of the "compound".]
The Arcadians (as in ancient Greece)---
those with the wisdom to work for long-term sustainability, a thriving Earth for current and future generations; comprehensive, holistic, systems thinkers.
Be Well

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Israeli Leadership & Hamas are EQUALLY guilty of not only war crimes, but also stupidity


1)  Attacking facilities such as hospitals, residences, refugee shelters, schools, U.N. SHELTERS - where not only adult civilians but also CHILDREN are present - is totally inexcusable.  It's immoral, unethical, and unlawful.  It's criminal, no matter what the excuse for it.  [Have other countries (including the USA) done anything similar?  Yes, but such does not make it right or legal.]

2)  Telling refugees to evacuate to the south for safety, and then attacking the south, killing and maiming civilian adults AND CHILDREN, also is a war crime.

3)  The Leadership is stupid if they think the CRIMINAL acts of Hamas justify "collective punishment" in Gaza AND THE WEST BANK.  That doesn't fly in a civil society.  They're also stupid if they believe ethnic cleansing is justifiable, and if they think the world doesn't know they are trying to get all Palestinians to leave both Gaza and the West Bank.  Finally, they're stupid if they don't see that their actions are creating a whole new generation of militants.


a)  Because of its scale and immoral brutality, their initial attack was not only criminal, but also a WAR CRIME.  Period.

b)  Hamas is stupid because they had to know how egregious the Israeli response would be.  They had to know civilian "shields" wouldn't mean a damned thing to the Israeli Leadership.  Why?  Because the current Leadership has been strangling Gaza for quite awhile, and bulldozing Palestinian homes in the West Bank as well.  They don't care one whit about the lives of Palestinians.  [I'm referring only to Israel's current Leaders, not all Israelis.]

SIDE NOTE---  Most of the Fed Gov't here in the USA should be completely ashamed of their involvement in this whole scenario, and of their weak, tepid criticism of the KILLING OF OVER 5,000 CHILDREN.  The greatest amount of shame on you.  Such will not be forgotten for a long time.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Sunday, December 3, 2023

OIL, Plus the Target Date for the Global Financial [& thus Economic] RESET: 2030

A few years ago, the IMF launched a ten-year Plan to reshuffle the world's reserve currency system.  It became known popularly as The Global Currency Reset.  There are options other than the IMF version, as seen here:  https://globalresidenceindex.com/the-global-currency-reset/  [NOTE:  don't confuse this Reset with the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset".]

Many, many factors are responsible for bringing about the need for a Reset, but here we are focusing on only one:  OIL.
The Establishment loves fossil energy because it has been relatively cheap, abundant, and convenient; plus, it has made possible the seemingly never-ending GROWTH of the economy.  For about 150 years, we've had a glut of such energy.  That's why we think such a situation is the norm.  It's not.

The low-hanging fruit (so to speak) is almost gone.  Most remaining fossil energy is locked up in shale, limestone, and tar sands.  It's abundant, but not cheap or convenient to obtain.

We also need tons and tons of minerals (which includes metals), and they are no longer low-hanging fruit.  We especially need them for the transition to Green energy, which currently is proceeding at a snail's pace.

Examine all of Dr. Michaux's MAPS (not just the first one) at the link above.  They contain a wealth of information (especially for planners and policy-makers) relative to economies, currencies, wars, geopolitics, and more.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Friday, December 1, 2023

U. S. Government's Lip Service to Climate Mitigation, and Planet Wreckers Report REDUX


According to the Center for Biological Diversity, the Biden Administration's actions re a new round of oil and gas leasing auctions could potentially "erase" any climate gains in the Inflation Reduction Act.  The USA is now the world's largest oil producer, and in 2022 66% of our oil came from the fracking of shale.  Often called shale oil, it's also referred to as "tight oil".  As you may know, drilling for it often has resulted in big problems (all of which usually are denied by the industry).

At the global level, we now have twenty countries (including the USA) planning to expand oil production for twenty-six more years
In addition, COP 28 (which started today) is being run by the CEO of one of the largest oil producers in the world.  Do you think there's any conflict of interest in such a scenario?  Seems likely, eh?

As pointed out previously on this Blog, we do need to use fossil fuels in the immediate future in order to construct and distribute massive numbers of Green energy gizmos and new electrical power lines.  I don't know for how long, but surely not twenty-six more years.

Is it not yet clear that the Establishment is on the wrong path?  And not yet clear that voters keep electing politicians to high office who favor consumerism over ecological principles?  If this whole business weren't so tragic, it would be laughable.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"Unseen Costs of Net Zero", Simon Michaux

To be clear:  YES, we do need to GO GREEN.  The Establishment and much of Main Street, however, apparently are not aware of exactly what it will take to do so.  They also seem to be unaware of the scale needed for such a transformation, and of the entire mining-minerals-metals situation.

The current thinking of most people who support a transition to Green energy appears to be as follows.  Here's what we'll do:
a)  get off petroleum and all its products;
b)  build a large number of Green energy gizmos;
c)  electrify all transport vehicles (personal and commercial);
d)  scale up nuclear energy, if necessary;
e)  recycle and reuse materials;
f)   increase energy efficiency;
g)  use carbon offsets and cap & trade to balance things out; and
h)  with all the above in place, we can continue the pursuit of infinite economic and population growth on our finite planet.
Sounds great, eh?!

But there's a massive problem (which The Establishment doesn't want to acknowledge), and here it is---

Infinite growth is not necessary for humans to thrive, and for the sake of all life on Earth, it must cease.  Do a Search for "CASSE top 10 policies for a steady state economy".  Read anything by Herman Daly.  Neoliberal/neoclassical economics is not sacrosanct.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Sunday, November 19, 2023

A.I. is Ecology Blind, and the Coming Cell Phone "Winter"

 The A.I. portion of the title above is a line from the short video below by the ecologist, Dr. Nate Hagens---

Ecology essentially is the study of ecosystems.  The complexity of ecosystems is greater than that of anything ever constructed by humans.  Anything.

To address the many aspects of ecosystems requires the sentient minds of humans.  The so-called Artificial Intelligence of today does not possess sentience, and according to some industry experts, probably won't for another sixty to seventy years, if ever.

"Sentience" means a living being (or a machine) is aware of itself as a separate being.  The A.I. industry isn't anywhere near having a machine with that characteristic.  The problems with quantum computing seem to suggest A.I. never will be near it.

The physicist, Sabine Hossenfelder, explains the problems here:
[Some will appreciate her dry humor, some won't.]

I imagine "A.I." has many useful applications, but such does not necessarily mean it has any use at all in, for example, navigating society through the Climate Crisis, or the Sixth Mass Extinction, or the Soil Crisis, or the Groundwater Aquifer Problem, or the Food Crisis, etc.  Listen to the living ecologists, rather than the sometimes faulty algorithms of High Tech.

Dr. Hossenfelder talks about the coming "Quantum Winter" (due to lack of financial investment).  Within ten years, it's probable there also will be a general High Tech "Winter".  Such will not be due to a lack of investment, but rather a shortage of required minerals and materials.  [See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0pt3ioQuNc&list=WL&index=70&t=11s  previously posted on this venue as "Minerals and Materials Blindness".  It's a must-see.]

Instead of the next whiz-bang iPhone, most of those minerals (which are becoming more difficult and costly to extract from the geosphere) will be used for something much more important - electricity.  Then perhaps, finally, people will realize:  no, I don't really need a new cell phone every year or two; but I do need electricity.  [It takes 500 pounds of raw materials to make ONE cell phone.  Over one billion are manufactured every year.]  As they usually do, priorities will shift.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Dr. Vandana Shiva: Tech Destruction of Agriculture & Natural Ecosystems vs. Agroecology

 Here's a genuine defender of Earth---

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frAjk-oiEeo (8 minutes)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwxOxQ1AOEg (28 minutes)

The second video is more wide-ranging, and includes topics such as:   "the Poison Cartel", why "310,000 [East] Indian farmers committed suicide", the egregious problems caused by Monsanto (continuing by Bayer, who bought Monsanto) and BILL GATES and OBAMA, the "war on cash", the IT industry, Davos, GMO plants, seed and water democracy, the Rights of Nature, "Oneness vs. the 1%", and more.

The first video is titled, "The Violence of the [Agricultural] Green Revolution" (whoever posted it gave it a different title on YouTube, so don't think you're at the wrong link when you first get there).  Over the years, we've mostly heard from the Establishment only the plus side of the "Green Revolution" of the 1960's and 1970's.  Nary a word (usually) about how that scenario ruined soil, plants, biodiversity, the nitrogen cycle, farming, water conservation, and more.  This short video corrects that situation.

Both videos discuss the tragedy/bane of industrial agriculture, aka, factory farming.  Such a practice negatively affects much more than farmland.  It impacts all ecosystems, Earth in general, human health, climate, biodiversity, and our social fabric.

Vandana Shiva has three academic Degrees:  the first was in Quantum Physics; the other two were in the Philosophy of Science.  More importantly, she has worked for about 40+ years in the field of ecology, and is recognized as a top-notch agroecologist.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

"Minerals and Materials Blindness"

Here's another case of speaking Truth to Power:

Prof. Nate Hagens and Prof. Simon Michaux address the human predicament re energy, the economy, fossils, renewables, recycling, minerals, materials required, and the present & future.  It's highly informative and down-to-earth...and a must-see interview.

The following points are obvious to ecologists:
yes, we must get off fossil energy;  yes, we must transition to renewable energy; but Green infinite economic growth is an oxymoron.  Conclusion:  we must start to reduce economic throughput ASAP.  In other words, we must embrace degrowth if we are to survive and thrive.  Economic development does NOT require constant economic growth.  Many books and articles have been published which explain how such is done.

To put it another way, we must move from high energy use to low energy use.  A paradigm shift.  Because all the foregoing is politically unpopular, we are being told by the Powers-That-Be:  we can eat our cake and have it too, if we just "Go Green".  If you believe that, then please watch the piece at the link above.

If you can't (or won't) watch the entire interview, at least start it at about 45 minutes in and continue to about the 60 minute mark.  Just those fifteen minutes will show you why infinite economic growth must be abandoned.  And again, yes, we must "Go Green"; but it's folly to believe we then can still pursue infinite economic growth without catastrophic consequences to all life on Earth, including us.  Hagens and Michaux explain why with great specificity.  It's a dynamite discourse.  Most politicians would  hate it (if they ever bothered to see it).
Not only my opinion.  Be Well 

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Speaking Truth to Power: Dr. Peter Kalmus


Spend 3.33 minutes and watch Dr. Kalmus speak Truth to Power.  What the Powers-That-Be are doing is "insanity".  [Perhaps it should be characterized as on the brink of insanity, or outrageously ignorant.  Whatever the case, it's extremely harmful to all life on Earth.]

In the USA, the Democrats are almost as bad as the Republicans.  The Dems talk-the-talk better than the Repubs, but rarely do they ever walk-the-walk.  Maybe when the Food Crisis gets worse (probably within ten years) they'll be forced to do so in high gear.

When Dems say they "follow the Science", they mean medical science, not ecology or climatology.  Too bad for us.  When everything continues to get worse, hopefully that will change.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Holism & Reductionism REDUX

This is being reposted because understanding it is crucial to dealing with our current socio-eco-econ-ethical Crisis.

There's plenty of evidence indicating both public and private Powers-That-Be are, for the most part, relying strictly on the reductionist method of analysis when working on our current, worldwide problems.  It appears little thought is given to the holistic approach.  If such really is true, then efforts to mitigate or eliminate those problems most likely will fall short.

All the primary aspects of our Crisis are interconnected, and THE main problem is ecological overshoot.  Ocean acidification, excessive natural resource depletion, pollution of water, air, and land, soil degradation, food insecurity, famine, decreasing fresh water availability, drought, climate change, social unrest, and more are all caused by humans engaging in eco-overshoot.  This all means the problem is extremely complex, and that means addressing it must include a holistic synthesis.  "Systems thinking" is required.

Details are in the short video at the link above.
Not only my opinion, Be Well

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Genocide in Gaza

Isn't the killing of over 7,000 civilians (almost 3,000 of them CHILDREN) enough?  According to Israeli Leadership thinking, apparently not.  

If you truly don't believe the actions of Israel are genocide, then perhaps you should listen carefully to the philosopher, Professor Butler, at the link above.

No one I've heard is justifying the brutal murders of Israeli civilians by Hamas.  Those actions were criminality at its worst.  On the other hand, the actions ordered by the Leadership of Israel in response are over-the-top, beyond-the-pale, immoral, and unethical.  Even many Jewish people, in Israel, the USA, and other countries, are strongly protesting that response.

In Israel and the USA, government spokespersons essentially have stated:  this is war, it's messy, and civilians get killed.  In other words, too bad, such is life.

Sorry, that's not an ethically acceptable reason for the wholesale bombing of Gaza, which includes killing people in hospitals, schools, UN shelters, residences, and the like.  Nor is it justifiable to bomb entire neighborhoods because Hamas tunnels are under those neighborhoods.  Israeli Leaders seem to be assuming everyone living in such places was complicit in the construction and use of those tunnels.  The Leaders also appear to be assuming that all Gazans support the brutal murder of Israeli civilians.  Or, maybe they just think:  hey, tough luck, but that's war.

Here's a recent hypothesis proposed (which I believe is probable):  because some people in the Government of Israel seem to believe ALL Palestinians support terrorism, the current crisis is being used to make life in Gaza so unbearable that all the residents migrate out of the area, or alternatively, die from lack of food, water, medicine, and other supplies.

Israel claims it is targeting only Hamas.  Come on, that doesn't hold water, not a drop.  Why?  In addition to the bombing, Israel has laid siege to Gaza - no food, no water, no fuel for generators, no medical supplies, etc.  A siege targets everyone.  Yes, they finally allowed numerous supply trucks to enter.  For two million people, the amount of supplies was a pittance.  Inadequate.

All civil people everywhere should be objecting to the actions of Israel in Gaza.  Not only is the situation tragic and brutal, it's not ethically justifiable.  Finally, how extremely ironic it is that Israel is committing genocide.

Here's another irony:  the three Abrahamic religions ALL worship the God of Abraham, but often still can't be civil to one another.  It makes one wonder:  will humans ever "live and let live"?
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Attached photo is in the public domain.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Wars, Governance, Complexity, the Astonishing Decline of USA's Diplomacy, and More

 The ecologist, Nate Hagens, interviews Chuck Watson, an expert with decades of experience in the geopolitics of the Middle East, the USA, and Russia.

AT LEAST watch the first 20 minutes or so of this penetrating piece.

In our evolutionary history, we humans have moved further and further away from the reality of Nature.  Instead of Nature, we've used social constructs to make up our own reality.  Mistakenly, it seems most humans now believe the constructs of economics, politics, formal religion, and various other ideologies have placed us in a position superior to and separate from Nature.  That's a false belief, and destructive to our habitat.

Such a view can cause, and is causing, catastrophic consequences.  For example, many governments now appear to believe planetary biophysical limits can be ignored.  As a result of such a belief, natural resources - essential to life - are being depleted or damaged or destroyed at astronomical rates.  One result of that is:  governments are going to WAR over land, water, minerals, fertile soil, natural gas deposits, oil, and the like.  
[See the last online link in the post immediately prior to this piece.  Also see:  https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/6/21/palestines-forgotten-oil-and-gas-resources ]

Nothing can excuse the brutal murder of civilians by Hamas; however, the context of Israel essentially strangling Gaza and the West Bank Palestinians for decades should not be ignored.  It isn't only about religion.  Immediately adjacent to Israel, sitting underneath the surface of Palestinian land are deposits of oil and natural gas.  Israel needs such for economic growth.  Like most countries, it believes in infinite economic growth on a finite planet.

Are our made-up constructs necessary?  Yes, that's a given.  But they must be implemented with care and comprehensive thinking, and if we desire to thrive as a species, they must not ignore the Laws of Nature.  In modern times, our social constructs have made our lives more and more complex.  In fact, the complexity now is so enormous it's beginning to look as though our governments are on the brink of not being able to cope with the situation.  Underneath it all is the monstrous mistake we made after our discovery and development of a bonanza - fossil energy.  Instead of thinking comprehensively and sustainably, we went on a 150-year energy binge.  We're still on it.

That binge brought about (and it's ongoing) an exponential increase in the complexity of society in general.  Complexity doesn't have to be harmful.  An ecosystem is orders of magnitude more complex than any machine ever built by humans.  What can be harmful is having the Powers-That-Be (both public and private) analyzing and dealing with complexity using only linear thinking and a reductionist method of analysis.  A nonlinear, holistic approach needs to be in the mix.  Reductionism can be useful in certain circumstances, but holism (or systems thinking) is required for successfully navigating through complexity.  Very few political Leaders of today appear to have any clue whatsoever of holistic thinking.  If they had such a clue, perhaps we wouldn't be entering an era of natural resource scarcity; and maybe there would be a lot fewer wars, especially during troubling environmental catastrophes.  Perhaps differences among us would no longer impede peaceful cooperation.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Thursday, October 19, 2023

"The System" is a Superorganism, & it craves GROWTH at any cost

  "The System" is a Superorganism which started about 10,000 yrs ago with the advent of the raising of annual grains which could be stored.  Ag surplus made division of labor possible, and that yielded hierarchy and inequality.  No conspiracy, just social evolution.  The System kept growing and expanding until eventually it was a runaway machine...with no one at the helm.  Exactly what we have today.  And it just keeps expanding.  It ignores biophysical limits, which means it's bound to collapse.  The only thing in question is "when".

Constant "Growth" requires ever more fossil ENERGY.  The problem is:  "easy energy" (cheap in cost and easily extractable from the ecosphere) - for all practical purposes - is gone.  Never mind (not really) the environmental damage caused by fossil energy; soon the "Energy Return on Investment" (EROI) will discourage investors.  Plus, compounding the problem, manufacturing renewable energy at the required scale requires:  (1) massive amounts of new mining and refining of dozens of metals and other minerals, many of which also are no longer "easy"; and (2) a huge expansion of power transmission lines, the "energy grid".  Both (1) & (2) require significant amounts of time and investment.

Growth requires more energy, and more of that enables our society to become more complex, and then more complexity requires even more energy.  Establishment thinkers believe such a situation can continue without restraint.  Infinite Growth.  They appear to think Technology and increasing efficiency will allow such to continue.  The Laws of Nature (especially in Physics and Ecology) say otherwise.  We must convert from high-energy use to low-energy use if we are to survive and thrive.

BOTTOM LINE---  Growth of "The System" needs to be not only reduced, but also eventually eliminated.  We humans have used more energy in the last thirty years than in the prior 150 years, and demand for energy still is increasing.  Such a scenario simply is not sustainable.

RELATED NOTE---  Growth also can be one of several causes of war:  https://steadystate.org/the-crisis-in-the-middle-east-is-a-crisis-of-growth/?blm_aid=122634 
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Censorship on the political Right and the political Left equals INTOLERANCE on both sides

 Some on the Right ban books (really? - in this day & age?!), and those books are not breaking the Law.  They don't contain libel, or promote something illegal such as child pornography or insurrection.  Writing about gender issues or systemic racism is not against the Law.  Neither is writing about socialism.  All this is not rocket science; it's simply common sense, right?

Some on the Left engage in cancel culture and beyond-the-pale political correctness.  They try to shame people and/or cause speaking events to be cancelled.  The targets of their "holier-than-thou" onslaught have not broken any laws.  Instead, they have views different from those on the Left.  Now, obviously, if a speaker is advocating insurrection, or some other illegal action, then of course the event should be shut down.  Threatening anyone with bodily harm (even if it's not related to insurrection) is a form of assault, and is against the Law.  Having different views is not.

Here's a clip for all the holier-than-thou True Believers on the Right and the Left---
WARNING:  for people who, for whatever reason, are psychologically fragile when it comes to coarse language (so-called "cussing"), be aware that such is contained in this less-than-eight-minute clip.

I imagine the practitioners of intolerance think they have really good reasons for their actions, or even believe it's not intolerance at all.  But here's the thing:  if the target of your action is not breaking the Law, then your activity regarding the person(s) demonstrates your intolerance of their freedom.  For some odd reason, you believe they should act as you act, think as you think, believe as you believe.  Even if they aren't breaking the Law, you can't tolerate whatever they're doing because their view of something doesn't fit in with yours.  So, come hell or high water, you're going to see their book banned, or their speech cancelled, or the like.  Apparently, you're the self-appointed guardian of society.

I realize some of this banning of books, for example, revolves around the concept of "protecting children" in school.  As a former teacher, I agree some books may not be appropriate for children of a certain age.  That doesn't mean those books must be banned for all children of all ages.  It also doesn't mean historical TRUTH should kept from children.  Pretending racism doesn't exist, or gender issues are not real, or democratic socialism is evil, etc. are all examples of little else but IGNORANCE.  Indoctrinating children into such beliefs, and/or preventing them from learning the truth is wrong, and harmful to their social development.

As to cancelling speeches by means of disruption or other methods, that also is as wrong as wrong can be.  Boycotting a speech is okay, of course, but preventing others from even hearing views which don't agree with yours is an insult to freedom.  There are lots of opinions in the world, not only yours.  Allow people to hear all sides, not just your holier-than-thou view.

As I navigate through old age, I continue to wonder if members of our species ever are going to "live and let live".  I've wondered about such for decades.  Will cooperation among us ever exceed competition?  Must we all too often try and cram our particular beliefs down someone else's throat?  Some cooperation is going on in the world, but not anywhere near the scale required if we are to survive (and thrive beyond) the current socio-eco-econ-ethical Crisis.  Intolerance certainly is not helping.  It often leads to hatred, and then violence.

In our evolutionary history, despite violence and the dark side of innate tribalism, we managed to thrive due to our intelligence and cooperative leanings.  Other species had more physical prowess and were more efficient predators, plus they were better adapted to survive the Ice Age; but we exhibited more group cooperation than most of the others.  That's required now more than ever before.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Sunday, October 8, 2023

According to you-know-who,

it's all a "Chinese hoax"---

Never mind the compulsive serial lying, the multiple indictments, the total lack of statesmanship, the whining, the constant divisive rhetoric, the lack of knowledge of almost everything, and more; simply for this item alone he never should be elected again...to any office...anywhere.

p.s.  As you probably know, what you see in the two photos has happened to glaciers all over the world, not just in Montana's Glacier National Park.  Show these photos to anyone you know who is denying that overall the planet Earth is warming.  Then ask them what they believe caused the Grinnell Glacier to lose 213 acres of ice from 1910 to 2007.  [Undoubtedly, it's even more acreage by now.]
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Monday, October 2, 2023

Planetary Boundaries, Holocene Epoch, 1.5 Degrees Celsius, Carbon Pulse, Ecosphere, and Energy Transition

Johan Rockstrom is a brilliant PhD ecologist who, along with his colleagues, has spent fifteen years developing the concept of  "planetary boundaries".  There are nine of these boundaries, and they delineate the safe space on Earth which enables modern-day humans to live and thrive.  We have overshot six of those nine boundaries.

In the short video at the link above, Dr. Rockstrom shows what has transpired since we left the last Ice Age about 12,000 years ago.  That was the beginning of the current geologic time period, the Holocene Epoch.  All of recorded human history has been in the Holocene.  As a distinct species, we've been on Earth approximately 200,000 years; but until about 10,000 years ago, we were strictly hunter-gatherers.  That all changed with the advent of annual grain agriculture.  With the ability to store surplus grain, we could labor at tasks other than hunting and gathering food.  Eventually, division of labor led to the Industrial Revolution.

The next monumental change was the discovery and development of fossil energy.  The harnessing of the "carbon pulse" has led to great advancement, and great disaster.  Thus we have the predicament of today:  ecological overshoot by humans.

In the clip above, Rockstrom ties all the elements in my title of this post together in a clear and concise manner.  He masterfully explains what's going on re the Crisis, what needs to be done, and why the Powers-That-Be are on the wrong track when it comes to solutions.  This subject is complicated, and you may have to watch the video twice to fully grasp its significance.  Or, maybe only once.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Friday, September 29, 2023

The PLANET WRECKERS Report, by Oil Change International


AT LEAST read the "Executive Summary" on pages 4 & 5, and then have a look at "Figure 1" on the bottom half of page 5.  Those two items give pretty much all you need to know.  It's a short read.
[Suggestion:  increase the print size to 125% or 150%.  For those who may not know:  simply click on the "+" sign at the top of the pdf page.]

The USA is "Planet-Wrecker-in Chief", followed by Canada and Russia.  What we're talking about here are plans for NEW oil and natural gas fields from 2023 to 2050.  They are not yet in production, and represent an expansion of fossil energy production.  In addition to the three countries cited above, seventeen others also will be expanding oil and gas production.

I see no evidence anywhere that most politicians are objecting to these expansion plans.  I suspect they never will unless there's a massive outcry from Main Street.  What would it take?  Ten million emails to political representatives?  Honestly, I don't know.

Some nonprofit organization would have to launch such a campaign, and relatively soon.  I do know what's highly likely (according to thousands of research scientists) if the expansion plans come to fruition:  we'll experience effects of climate chaos orders of magnitude worse than those  of today.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Thursday, September 21, 2023

USA to expand FOSSIL energy production for about 26 more years, to 2050

Nineteen other countries are doing the same.  That's according to a Report titled, Planet Wreckers.


Perhaps this is why major countries have been dragging their feet at all the climate conferences (COPs), eh?  These same countries appear to believe they can stop said production expansion around 2050 or so because they think we'll be at NET ZERO carbon emissions by then.  Really?  Interesting logic.  Net Zero while expanding fossil energy is a complete fantasy.

In a recent previous post here, I've stated in order to generate renewable energy gizmos and infrastructure, we will have to use fossil fuels for the immediate future.  But not for 26 more years.  That's way beyond "immediate future".
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Here are the cruxes of our current situation

If the many expert PhD ecologists (whose work I've been following for five-plus years) are correct about what's coming fairly soon, then aggregate humanity is in for some extremely troubling times.

People have to be aware of a problem before they undertake mitigation of it.  I sincerely doubt that (as only a few examples) most American adults are aware of the following:

1.  large scale investment in renewable energy is declining when it should be increasing; and,
2.  fossil fuels are necessary (for now & the immediate future, at least) to build renewable energy gizmos and infrastructure; and,
3.  going Green and still pursuing infinite economic growth is an oxymoron; and,
4.  because of the amounts of refined metals (copper, boron, iron, nickel, manganese, chromium, zinc, silver, molybdenum, and about 50-60 others) and rare earth elements necessary for production of renewable energy, and the time required to mine & refine those minerals, it's extremely likely there's no way we can avoid major catastrophes (worse than those recently) within the next 10 or so years...even if we NOW would go full steam ahead with production of renewables...& we're not even doing that.
[Note:  over 90 of the 118 chemical elements on the Periodic Table are metals.  High Tech gizmos require 30-70 of them in each manufactured unit.]

POINT BEING:  I'm convinced that an overwhelming majority of Americans - including a majority of those on the political Left - are not aware of (or don't believe) most of the content in 1-4 above.  Thus, they don't believe MAJOR catastrophes (worse than those of today) are coming relatively soon, no matter what we do or don't do.  More importantly, I'm convinced a majority believe we can go back to "normal" (excessive consumerism, overconsumption, living high on the hog) if we just Go Green.  They seem to believe: things will be fine if we just use renewable energy and recycle & re-use materials; industrial farming can continue to expand; commercial & industrial land development can continue to expand; fresh water availability is not a problem; soil degradation is not a problem; etc.  I'm also convinced a majority of people believe we have until 2040 or 2050 to "solve the problem", and so, no worries - the Powers-That-Be are handling it.  Sorry, none of that is true.

But all the above doesn't mean there's no hope.  Science apparently can't do it, but those coming catastrophes finally will wake up people to the fact that we as aggregate humans must undergo a paradigm shift in lifestyle, ethics, & worldview.  Only then will people, in earnest, adopt the choices found in Chapter 11 of my 1st book (or wherever else they find them)...and hundreds more found all over the internet - methods to heal the ecosphere, live sustainably as a species, and pass on a healthy habitat to future generations.  That can happen, but first we'll be going through incredibly troubling times.  There's no way to avoid them.  Prepare your mind.

Not only my opinion.  Be Well


Friday, September 1, 2023

Why investment in renewable energy (at scale) is stagnating...

 and why the transition away from fossil fuels is too.



Both clips above seem to reinforce my hypothesis expressed here:


As the erudite political scientist and human ecologist Dr. Patrick Ophuls states:  "Electrifying the Titanic" (one of his book titles) is a good thing, but it won't suffice.  We also have to convert from a high-energy society to a low-energy society.  High energy use requires natural resource abundance (ecological abundance), but we're at the beginning of natural resource scarcity.  We've already picked the low-hanging fruit (so to speak); what's left is getting too expensive to extract from the ecosphere.  We're talking about dozens of metals and several rare earth elements.  Never mind water and petroleum.  All are necessary for the production of high tech renewable energy gizmos.  We must transition to renewables, but we also have to change our lifestyle and worldview.  Scientific studies and common sense make that crystal clear.

In short, we have to phase out of exponential, perpetual economic growth and overconsumption if we are to survive and thrive.  Not converting to a low-energy society will result in a much worse Crisis (both eco and econ) than what we're in today.  The scale of it will be unprecedented in human history.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Toxic Male Energy...on Steroids

 in the forms of---

hegemonic petro-masculinity; hegemonic eco-modern masculinity (geoengineering, a la Musk, et al.); and more.
"Are Men Killing the Planet?"

One micro-example from the clip:  buy your own "rolling coal" kit for your pickup truck, which allows you to blow massive amounts of thick black smoke (while driving) onto hybrid cars, eco-protesters, & such.  [You have to see this to believe it.]  Ignorance abounds.

The macro-examples are even worse.
The System of Patriarchy literally is killing us and our habitat.

The Elites are panicking over a paradigm shift.  They're hanging on to fossil fuels and patriarchy with a death grip.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Here's the only reasonable choice at the ballot box

Below is an email I recently sent my son, his family, and a few others.  It's slightly edited---
Sorry to hear you're under a heat dome.  It's a tragedy that as things worsen, most people appear to still continue with the belief that our society can hang onto biz as usual in terms of our way of living.

Within 10 years, 120 degrees will not be uncommon.  It may be worse than that if we don't start treating the situation as a genuine emergency.  The world's best scientists know what needs to be done (a couple hundred of them were cited in the References section of my first book), & close to none of it is being done.

Everything must change...ASAP.  Such is politically unacceptable, so politicians engage in Greenwashing, and tout their actions...
which are almost totally inadequate.

The best thing every voter could do in the political realm would be to vote for the Green Party.  Because of rampant propaganda (and the control the Republicrats/Demopublicans have over ballot-access Laws AND debates), that won't happen.
         In terms of policies & a Party Platform, the Green Party is head & shoulders above both the Repubs AND the Dems.  That's particularly true in the areas of environmental protection, economics, and foreign policy.  Be sure to watch this clip... (it's short) 
Dr. Cornel West (a brilliant philosopher & class struggle activist) describes the Dem Party to a tee, back then & still true today.  The Dem Party is a corporatist disaster.
[It's looking like West will be the Green Party's nominee to run for Pres. next year.  His political philosophy is equal to, or maybe even better than, that of Bernie Sanders.  Plus, he understands neoliberalism better than most national politicians.] 
Hang in There
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Here's precisely why...

 everything must change.  This is the most erudite presentation on the human predicament I've ever heard.  Topics include:  the current socio-eco-econ-ethical Crisis, politics, energy, ecology, metaphysics, spirituality, future possibilities, the USA, France, history, philosophy, solutions, and more.

The human condition (and that of our world) in a nutshell:

Even if you have to watch it in 5 or 10-minute stages, don't miss it.  Even if you disagree with a portion of it, continue on.  Don't assume the remainder won't be valuable to you.  I'm about 99.99% sure that it will be.  [You might want to turn on the captions.]
Be Well

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Biden's response to the climate emergency is a tragic joke


Follow the science, Mr. President, and that doesn't mean only the medical science.  I'm sure you've heard of physics, climatology, and ecology.  Dr. Kalmus explains what they are telling you in the essay at the link above.  Pay attention!

Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Monday, July 31, 2023

PFAS all should be banned by Law

They're everywhere; and now, also in most all human blood.  The chemical industry claims some are safer than others, but where's the proof?  Below is a must-see clip, and below that are my notes.  [Sorry, no time to write them out in proper sentences.]


per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances - a few thousand different ones - in Teflon, Scotchgard, fire retardant fabric, cosmetics, paper plates, fast food containers, ski wax, guitar strings, & many other products.  Liver damage, cancer, endocrine/hormone disruption, neurological damage, & more.  "Forever chemicals" which bioaccumulate.

DDT was banned in the USA.  So were CFCs and PCBs.  ALL PFAS should join that club.  Wake up, politicians.  Stop kow-towing to the chemical industry.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Exactly what will it take for...

1.  Biden, DeSantis, Trump and all the other dogmatic, linear-thinking politicians around the globe to recognize we're in a climate emergency?  Biden should be declaring one.

2.  mega companies such as Amazon to realize they need to hire more employees rather than laying off ones they now have on staff? That is to say, IF they really want to have a decent company, then that's what they should do.  Not just more warehouse workers, but more customer service reps as well.  Algorithms rarely can handle customer service adequately.  Of course, such hiring would mean slightly reducing the gazillionaire status of the owners.  Such is not worth consideration by said owners, I guess, eh?

3.  politicians in countries with nuke weapons to realize how ignorant and/or stupid it is to have such weapons?

I must confess, I don't know the definitive answers to those questions.  I only can guess.  One such guess:  unprecedented, massive disasters.
Be Well

With his recent ludicrous ideas, Trump is gaslighting again

  https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=R5pgB4RMOKk When gaslighters get backed into a corner, one of the tactics they use to get free is this:  ...