Wednesday, June 22, 2022

"A Perfect Storm for Inflation...", and What to do About It

Failure to recognize the importance of the "trophic structure of the economy" is a shortcoming of many policy makers, and it must be overcome if we are to survive & thrive both individually and as a species.  Without healthy, fertile soil, healthy plants, adequate access to fresh water, and clean air, we will be facing more & more economic, ecological, and societal disasters.

Severe inflation is a symptom, and it's not even the most damaging one.  The underlying cause is the disease (or, one could say, dis-ease) of ignorance of thermodynamic, biophysical, and trophic principles.  In plain language, it's the disease of the pursuit of unlimited growth in a finite habitat and overconsumption of energy & goods.  Negative/destructive results of such a pursuit are multi-faceted.  The damage caused by this disease is multi-pronged, and persistent.  Evidence of that can be seen by examining the current state of the world, a state which is the direct result of "growthism".

The way off our destructive path is to begin a gradual transition to a steady state economy.  Open your mind, and find out all you can about that option.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

The Establishment is smothering opinion diversity and any sort of dissent, even if peaceful

At universities and in government halls around the world, and especially in the USA and Israel, free speech is being egregiously suppressed ...