Showing posts with label university failure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label university failure. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

How colleges & universities have failed to prepare humanity regarding understanding & coping with existential threats

 The problem continues.

In great detail, the authors of this article show how higher education has become mired in dogmatic slumber, especially regarding the threats of climate change and expanding nuclear weapon arsenals.  Furthermore, it seems apparent that most educated people today have little grasp of the overall foundations of sustainability.

Decades ago, R. Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller pointed out in his book, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth:  specialization precludes comprehensive thinking.  Today, and for years now, we're buried in specialists.  In general, they don't appear to be able to comprehend what has been called the Earth System, which consists of the interconnected & interdependent atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere (aka, lithosphere), and biosphere.  Understanding the complex functioning of our Earth System must at least be attempted by leaders (public & private) and policy makers if we are to avoid our own destruction.

Education in the following fields seems to be especially remiss in teaching comprehensive thinking re Earth & sustainability:  politics, economics, the Law, and business.  Unfortunately, those fields produce the majority of policy-makers in the democratic world.  One could argue, I suppose, those people rely upon advisors who are educated in broader Earth concerns.  Perhaps, but given the current socio-eco-econ-ethical Crisis we're now in, it should be blatantly obvious any such advice largely is being ignored.  [Luckily for us, there are some exceptions around the world; but not enough.]

The original purpose of public education in general was not to produce thinkers, but to produce workers.  People were needed who could read, write, and do arithmetic.  There's nothing wrong with that, but that alone is not sufficient.  We need critical and comprehensive thinkers as well.

Finally, so as not to be misunderstood, consider this:  specialization often is required.  It's not a bad thing unless it's the only thing.  Even in Earth System study, one must specialize to varying degrees.  At the same time, though, one also must seek a broader understanding.  Higher education (in particular) must structure its programs in such a way if civil society is to avoid collapse.  The need for a truly educated populace has never been greater.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care
p.s.  For everyone, both those with a higher education and those who cannot (for various reasons) get one, I urge you to continue learning with the greatest library ever assembled, the internet.  Don't believe the largely Establishment poo-pooers of the Web, who often would prefer to keep us ignorant.  The internet contains tons & tons of legitimate, highly useful, & educational info.  Sift through the chaff on your Search results page (which can be done quickly), and find the kernels.  Education is a life-long process.

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