Showing posts with label Terrorists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorists. Show all posts
Sunday, January 5, 2020
NeoCon & NeoLib Warmongers & Regime Changers Continue On
It never ends. Now our Gov't has assassinated the Iranian General Soleimani, who essentially was the equivalent of our Secretary of Defense, and a folk hero in Iran. Supposedly, he was an "imminent threat" to Americans overseas. He probably was a threat to anyone associated with our Corporate-Government Complex, but the question is why? The simple answer is twofold: 1) our Gov't keeps sticking its nose into Arab and Persian affairs; and 2) our Fed Executive Branch has been attacking and strangling the Iranian Gov't for decades. Why? According to the Feds, it's because they're "terrorists". It would behoove anyone who believes that to study a little history.
I suggest to anyone who launches such a historical search: start with the British discovery of petroleum in Iran in 1908 and the formation of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (now BP). Then look into the Pahlavi Dynasty--- 1925-1979. Don't overlook the Anglophile CIA-MI6 conspiracy that overthrew Mosaddeq in the 1953 Coup, after the Iranian Parliament voted in favor of nationalizing oil facilities in Iran. Don't forget the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988. Saddam invaded Iran, and was more or less backed by the USA. More recently, don't forget to consider our economic & financial sanctions on Iran, which are punishing the entire population. Then there's Trump's withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Agreement, at a time when (according to independent sources) Iran was meeting all of the requirements. Finally, don't ignore the Sunni-Shia Conflict, which has been going on for hundreds of years. Dubya Bush didn't know anything about it; he thought all believers in Islam were of the same cloth.
This whole mess isn't about "terrorism". It's all about economics and finance. It's about natural resources. It's about the Dollar as the world's reserve currency. It's about Neoliberal plans to privatize the world. It's about the fact that the USA's position as the preeminent Leader of the World is on a downhill slide. Many countries have had quite enough of our Corporate-Gov't Complex trying to run everyone else's affairs. Those countries are forming their own economic and financial alliances in order to bypass the control of the USA's Gov't-Sachs Cabal. It's also about the NeoCon obsession with Regime Change, and "defending Christianity". NeoCon nutcakes never would admit it, but I suspect many of them really do believe they are on a "Crusade". If you recall, Dubya Bush used that word after 9-11, and was roundly criticized for it.
The Ivory Tower Powers-That-Be appear to be trying everything they can to start a war with Iran. Don't let them do it. Speak up every way you can. When they harp on Iranians being "terrorists", keep in mind that Shia Iran is fighting against Sunni ISIS. Also keep in mind that Iran has much more reason to be interested in Iraq than we do. Iraq is their neighbor, and they were invaded by Iraq.
In his almost constant gaslighting, Trump goes back & forth between withdrawing militarily from the Middle East to escalating the trouble there. It's all designed to distract us from his utter incompetence and violations of the Constitution. Don't fall for it.
Lastly, consider the following. The Orwellian politicians (both major Parties) in DC have been quietly changing the definitions of words for at least a couple of decades now. Example: "imminent", as in "imminent threat", no longer means "immediate"; rather, it now officially means something akin to "perhaps sometime in the future". Another example: "war" (the way it's used in our Constitution) no longer means war; instead, it officially means something akin to "counter-terrorism". As such, Rules, Laws, the Supreme Law of the Land, and even morals & ethics no longer apply. At least, that's according to the Powers-That-Be. In reality, it's Orwellian nonsense ...and criminal.
SIDE NOTE--- In reference to his massive escalation of drone attacks, Obama once stated, "Well, it's not really a war.". Here's a clue, Mr. Obama: when you cross a border and kill hundreds of people (1400 in Pakistan alone), that's a war. The war clause in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution applies. Nothing in Article II can contravene that provision...unless the USA is hit with a surprise invasion. You know that; after all, you're a Constitutional scholar.
Not only my opinion. Be Well
Friday, May 26, 2017
George Orwell: the Greatest Political & Social Prophet of All Time
Following are just a few bits of evidence supporting the assertion in the title above. This all applies throughout the Western World, but especially in the Land I love, the USA.
1. The word "war" no longer means war. Instead, it means "leading the world", or "fighting terrorism", or "protecting our allies", or "spreading democracy", etc. More importantly, war now can be waged at the sole discretion of the Executive Branch in the USA...a direct violation of the Supreme Law of the Land. They say it's not war. That's very Orwellian...any time our Gov't bombs another country, anyone with any common sense at all knows that's an act of war. Congressional approval is no longer sought. The concept of Unitary Executive Power reigns supreme in our Orwellian Gov't; it has for years & years. As in Orwell's novel, 1984, the meanings of key words are being manipulated/changed by the highest levels of our Gov't and by other Elites.
Very recently, our President gave an anti-terrorism speech to the Sunni rulers of Saudi Arabia. The extremist Sunni Sect of Wahhabism (adhered to by ISIS & Al Qaeda), which is spread around the world by "True Believers", is Saudi State-sponsored. Trump then announced billions of dollars in military hardware sales to the Saudis...pretty much on the heels of Obama's similar action when he was President. Then The Don joined in some kind of silly, celebratory "sword dance" (or something). All of this is Orwellian to the max. On top of that, our military is helping the Saudis (logistics, targeting, & equipment) in their devastating war in Yemen. The Saudis are bombing schools, hospitals, public water facilities, and civilians in general. The country is on the verge of famine, cholera is spreading, and hundreds upon hundreds of children have been killed by bombs. This is a Sunni-Shia war; it has little or nothing to do with terrorism, that is to say, the type of terrorism Trump claims to be fighting.
2. For some time now in the USA, due to CIVIL Asset Forfeiture, a person's property (perhaps certain tools, or a "large" amount of cash, and other things) can be seized by the Authorities without any warrant or arrest just because the items seem SUSPICIOUS. Law Enforcement people will say, yes, but if everything turns out to be innocent, then you can get your property back. Try that sometime. See how much time, effort, and money it takes. Sometimes the property is auctioned off before your months-long quest to retrieve it is completed. Often you are stalled in your efforts into infinity, and nothing ever gets resolved. Local and regional governments are so strapped for income that they resort to exorbitant fines, asset forfeiture, and outrageous fees in order simply to survive. That's primarily because their manufacturing tax base has moved out of the country. Local governments often are just as dictatorial as the Fed Gov't sometimes is; that's especially true of County governments. 1984.
3. Presumption of Innocence until proven guilty, especially in the international arena, is pretty much dead. One example: the gassing of civilians in Syria. It has not been proven that Assad was responsible. Some people simply assumed it because, by most accounts, the guy is a brutal dictator. Trump then fires missiles, attacks a sovereign act of war...without any Congressional approval. By the way, about half the missiles missed the airbase, and the other half hit nothing of critical importance. Most planes were not hit, the runway was undamaged, and planes flew out of there the very next day. Nevertheless, none of it should have happened; it was all illegal. Plus, where's the proof that Assad was the culprit in the gas attack? The Unitary Executive concept rules. That's totalitarian absolutism. Just because it was exercised against a supposedly bad apple does not excuse it. The President is not above the Law, regardless of what the elite government lawyers claim.
4. On the domestic front, due process has been disappearing for years. Without any proper warrant, our private data can be mined, our property sometimes can be seized, and we can be spied upon at will by the Fed Gov't. Americans don't seem to understand that it isn't only the suspicious people who are being spied upon by the's everyone. Orwellian. To top it off, high officials such as James Clapper are allowed to lie while testifying before Congress about this spying...with no penalty. Lying while testifying before Congress is a felony. Where is the Rule of Law?
In addition, too many people (suspects) are being shot in the back, TASED & then shot, handcuffed & then TASED repeatedly, forced to die of thirst while being held in jail, beaten to a pulp after surrendering, repeatedly harassed for exposing wrongdoing by authorities, arrested on bogus charges which the authorities know will be dismissed, etc., ad nauseam & ad infinitum. Orwellian.
If we are to have any chance of overcoming all this, then it seems to me we should consider doing the following.
1. Start with the premise that most Elites (public & private) are not working in favor of Main Street.
2. Stop drinking the Propaganda Kool Aid coming from the Elites on the political Right and Left.
3. Shun the disastrous, dictatorial, so-called Two-Party political system in the USA. It's a sham.
4. Shun Corporatism whenever possible.
5. Understand that effective Propaganda always has some elements of truth in it. That doesn't mean any conclusions put forth are accurate or logical.
6. Think critically. Don't be gullible, and beware of great-sounding catch phrases.
7. Hold all politicians not only to the Rule of Law, but to high ethical standards as well.
8. Speak out. Be a whistleblower. Governments are not above the Law...except in an Orwellian world.
9. Abraham Lincoln once said, "Factions destroy republics.". Instead of Red or Blue, consider Purple. Be an Independent.
10. Boycott.
Not only my opinion. Be Well
Saturday, May 7, 2016
"The Drone Papers", and Obama the Assassin
This piece is a 10-16-15 REDUX---
"The Drone Papers", and Obama the Assassin
For a great overview of this subject and interviews with the investigative journalists involved, see today's newscast at Democracy Now (Friday, October 16, 2015). I doubt you'll see anything like it on the Corporate Media outlets...which seem to be obsessed with the weather.
A whistleblower has supplied The with official secret documents regarding Obama's Drone Wars in Yemen, Somalia, & Afghanistan. At their website (The Intercept), there's a series of articles based upon those documents: "The Assassination Complex", "A Virtual Glossary", "The Kill Chain", "Find, Fix, Finish", "Manhunting in the Hindu Kush", "Firing Blind", "The Life and Death of Objective Peckham", and "Target Africa". In a classified Pentagon study, officials found significant flaws in the Drone Program, including faulty Signals Intelligence (cell phone calls, texting, emails, etc.) and serious limitations in the drone technology itself.
Other of the Papers revealed that sometimes nine out of ten people killed are not the intended target. [Anyone killed in a drone attack automatically is classified as an EKIA (Enemy Killed in Action)... even if that person is the target's grandmother.] Also, reliance upon foreign intelligence is heavy, and in some cases, it's entirely possible that political opponents (especially in Yemen), not terrorists, were killed. The Papers also revealed that in a few Afghan provinces, the residents opposed/resisted the Taliban...until Americans invaded their land. There's much, much more, but I don't have the time or energy to cover it. See the newscast at Democracy Now.
Obama is unconstitutionally targeting people for death. A clause in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution makes it clear that only Congress, not the Executive Branch, can issue "Letters of Marque and Reprisal" (assassination orders). Perhaps some people think, so what, he's killing terrorists who are a threat to us. Too bad that's not always true...too bad that many more innocent people are being slaughtered than what we've been told by the Executive Branch, and too bad that we're not even at war with Somalia, Yemen, or Pakistan... all sovereign nations. Pakistan, in particular, repeatedly has told our Gov't to stop bombing in their country. Too bad that the Taliban now control more of Afghanistan than they ever did in the last fourteen years. Too bad that Afghanistan is known (for very good reasons) as "The Graveyard of Empires". The old Soviets had 500,000 Russian troops there...they lost that war.
Obama just recently stated (paraphrased): "You know I'm not in favor of Endless War.". All I know, Mr. President, is that's what you keep saying. I see little to no evidence of the truth of that. You claim these Drone Wars are not "war". If that's true, then here's a thought for you: you have no legal authority to order the murder of people around the world. Who died & thus made you King? Some of the people you're having killed probably were toddlers on 9-11-01. Have they attacked us? The fact is, even more than Bush-Cheney, you've maneuvered us into a present & future of perpetual war. There's no end in sight. There's no reasonable plan in sight. Drone wars, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, and who knows what's next--- you're a warmonger, all in the name of national security. Wow, what an original justification. Here's another fact: your military actions are making new terrorists and stirring up the old ones. A final fact: IT IS LAW ENFORCEMENT and everyday citizens who are keeping us safe from Terrorism...not your terrorist-creating, military maneuvers. You've succeeded in making our Gov't's actions the number one generator of terrorists in the entire world. You've beaten out Bush-Cheney in that regard. I didn't think that was possible.
I (& many reputable analysts) think your military misadventures are because the economy here is in bad shape, our fiscal & monetary conditions are appalling, the dollar's world reserve currency status is being seriously threatened, and your implementation of the Big Stick around the world supposedly will hold it all together. All you're doing is making enemies around the Globe, while at the same time, destroying our economy. You people in the DC Ivory Tower need to wake up and pay attention. You're not the Master, you're the Servant.
Not only my opinion. Be Well
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Several Insanities in the Western World, Especially the USA
Remember reading about the Age of Enlightenment, often cited as running from the late 1600's to about 1800, and sometimes called the Age of Reason? It would appear that we humans are in need of a Second Age of Enlightenment. Following are some of the things supporting such an assertion. Let's begin with a somewhat trivial (compared to the others) example.
1. Trump recently stated that "wages [in the USA] are too high". What planet is The Don on? Wages here essentially have stagnated for the last thirty years. The cost of living has not.
2. Our Fed Gov't and those of Russia & France are bombing ISIS in Syria...but, mostly thanks to the US, they're not all cooperating with each other. Is that a good plan?
3. The Fed Gov't here denigrates Russia for sticking it's nose into Syria (a Russian ally) and for trying to increase its influence in the Middle East. Are you kidding me? about the pot calling the kettle black. The US Gov't's primary foreign policy component is to stick its nose into just about every civil war in the world...especially in the Middle East and/or southern Central Asia. Good grief!
4. The US Gov't continues to kowtow to Saudi Arabia...not entirely, but significantly. That's a troublesome issue because of the following. Wahhabism, the Saudi State-sponsored extremist Sunni Sect, spreads its poison all around the world. Radical, extremist terrorists are greatly encouraged by the Wahhabis; the roots of ISIS are in Wahhabism. The DC Powers-That-Be know that...and yet they continue to support the House of Saud.
5. The situation in Syria and Iraq is a complete mess. [Over 7,000 airstrikes by the US Gov't haven't helped much at all...but they have pissed off a whole bunch of terrorists.] In addition to the points above, the Gov't of Turkey is fighting ISIS...and fighting the Kurds, too...who happen to be fighting ISIS. Certain leaders in the world seem to have lost their minds.
6. The Taliban in Afghanistan now control more territory than they ever have since the US invasion. So much for interfering in a civil war...and so much for "nation-building".
7. Iraq now essentially is a failed State. Ditto the last sentence above.
8. The General in charge of the US program to train "moderates" to fight ISIS in Syria either has been or is going to be promoted. The program was a complete failure. About 5,000 were to be trained and equipped. Five or so were put into battle; in short order they all were killed or captured...along with their weapons.
9. Obama and most Republicans continue to push for approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Most Americans appear to be either oblivious to the Agreement/Treaty or against it. The smallest bit of research should reveal to anyone that the TPP is bad news for average people. It benefits only the Rich and Powerful. For any politician to claim that it will make us more competitive and increase the number of jobs here is utter nonsense at best, and a bald-faced lie at worst.
10. The War on Cash is well underway. Under Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws here, any significant amount of cash on you now can be seized by Law Enforcement...without you being charged with anything. The reason? It's "suspicious". In addition, the Powers-That-Be are pushing for a move to a cashless society. One of the reasons is to prevent bank runs in the case of an economic/financial collapse. Another reason: those same Powers then will know, because of the National Surveillance State, every single purchase you make...or at least, they will have access to those records. Consumer privacy will be gone. I foresee a day when, if you use any cash at all, you'll most likely be deemed a "financial terrorist" or a run-of-the-mill criminal.
11. The Police State in the USA continues. Examples: the Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws cited above; FBI Agents now writing their own Search Warrants (euphemistically titled "National Security Letters")...our Constitution is clear---a Judge must sign a Search Warrant; monitoring of people not even under investigation (the National Surveillance State); the militarization of local Police [a problem because the Police then act as though all citizens are their enemy...they have to, it's policy, it's "safe" procedure]; the almost unrestrained use of TASERs...which have killed people; shooting people in the back...for minor infractions [e.g., a homeless guy in New Mexico was camping outside of town...he turned to walk away from the cops & they killed him]; and many other examples.
12. The Mega Banks, Mega Hedge Funds, and Mega Insurance Corporations have created, bought, and sold "Swaps" (Credit Default Swaps) to the tune of $550 trillion. [The entire world's annual GDP is about $75 trillion.] These Swaps do not make up all of the bizarre financial derivatives out in the Market (that total is about $1.25 quadrillion), but they are the ones that supposedly act as "insurance" against defaults on various contracts. Should that Swap Bubble burst, as many reputable economists all across the political spectrum say it will, the whole world will be plunged into a Great Depression. Who benefitted from the sale of these Swaps? Oligarchs the billions and billions...and billions.
13. About 95% of world commerce is conducted either in dollars, the Pound, the Euro, or the Yen. Every one of those currencies purposely is being debased (devalued). That causes inflation in countries that don't have those as their currency...the emerging Markets, such as China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, etc. Because of that, China is engaged in a Currency War with us...and because of that (and other reasons), the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency most likely will not last much longer. Our Gov't tends to denigrate and blame China for all this. The fact is, China is only protecting itself and its economy. The U.S. is doing what many countries historically have done when they have way too much debt: our Gov't, in a de facto way, is purposely debasing the dollar in order to cope with a massive debt...a debt that never will be repaid in full. All gov'ts know that's what's happening. My point here is this: inflation is a currency event, not a price event. In 1961, I bought a pair of Levi jeans for $3.95; the price of jeans now is anywhere from about $25 to $40. In 1961, cigarettes were 25 cents a pack; now they're anywhere from $4 to $8 a pack. That's because the U.S. dollar is worth less; it has been debased for decades via creating "money" out of thin air. The chickens are finally coming home to roost, and the Fed Reserve is out of ammunition.
14. Whether Democrats or Republicans are in power in the United States, Edward Bernays style Propaganda reigns supreme regarding war, the economy, and the "value" of the Rich and Powerful. Again, please heed the words of Warren Buffett: "We are in a Class War in this country, and unfortunately, my Class is winning.". A big Amen to that, Warren.
Yes, I would say Humankind is in dire need of a Second Age of Enlightenment.
Not only my opinion. Be Well
Friday, October 16, 2015
"The Drone Papers", and Obama the Assassin
For a great overview of this subject and interviews with the investigative journalists involved, see today's newscast at Democracy Now (Friday, October 16, 2015). I doubt you'll see anything like it on the Corporate Media outlets...which seem to be obsessed with the weather.
A whistleblower has supplied The with official secret documents regarding Obama's Drone Wars in Yemen, Somalia, & Afghanistan. At their website (The Intercept), there's a series of articles based upon those documents: "The Assassination Complex", "A Virtual Glossary", "The Kill Chain", "Find, Fix, Finish", "Manhunting in the Hindu Kush", "Firing Blind", "The Life and Death of Objective Peckham", and "Target Africa". In a classified Pentagon study, officials found significant flaws in the Drone Program, including faulty Signals Intelligence (cell phone calls, texting, emails, etc.) and serious limitations in the drone technology itself.
Other of the Papers revealed that sometimes nine out of ten people killed are not the intended target. [Anyone killed in a drone attack automatically is classified as an EKIA (Enemy Killed in Action)... even if that person is the target's grandmother.] Also, reliance upon foreign intelligence is heavy, and in some cases, it's entirely possible that political opponents (especially in Yemen), not terrorists, were killed. The Papers also revealed that in a few Afghan provinces, the residents opposed/resisted the Taliban...until Americans invaded their land. There's much, much more, but I don't have the time or energy to cover it. See the newscast at Democracy Now.
Obama is unconstitutionally targeting people for death. A clause in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution makes it clear that only Congress, not the Executive Branch,can issue "Letters of Marque and Reprisal" (assassination orders). Perhaps some people think, so what, he's killing terrorists who are a threat to us. Too bad that's not always true...too bad that many more innocent people are being slaughtered than what we've been told by the Executive Branch, and too bad that we're not even at war with Somalia, Yemen, or Pakistan... all sovereign nations. Pakistan, in particular, repeatedly has told our Gov't to stop bombing in their country. Too bad that the Taliban now control more of Afghanistan than they ever did in the last fourteen years. Too bad that Afghanistan is known (for very good reasons) as "The Graveyard of Empires". The old Soviets had 500,000 Russian troops there...they lost that war.
Obama just recently stated (paraphrased): "You know I'm not in favor of Endless War.". All I know, Mr. President, is that's what you keep saying. I see little to no evidence of the truth of that. You claim these Drone Wars are not "war". If that's true, then here's a thought for you: you have no legal authority to order the murder of people around the world. Who died & thus made you King? Some of the people you're having killed probably were toddlers on 9-11-01. Have they attacked us? The fact is, even more than Bush-Cheney, you've maneuvered us into a present & future of perpetual war. There's no end in sight. There's no reasonable plan in sight. Drone wars, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, and who knows what's next--- you're a warmonger, all in the name of national security. Wow, what an original justification. Here's another fact: your military actions are making new terrorists and stirring up the old ones. A final fact: IT IS LAW ENFORCEMENT and everyday citizens who are keeping us safe from Terrorism...not your terrorist-creating, military maneuvers. You've succeeded in making our Gov't's actions the number one generator of terrorists in the entire world. You've beaten out Bush-Cheney in that regard. I didn't think that was possible.
I (& many reputable analysts) think your military misadventures are because the economy here is in bad shape, our fiscal & monetary conditions are appalling, the dollar's world reserve currency status is being seriously threatened, and your implementation of the Big Stick around the world supposedly will hold it all together. All you're doing is making enemies around the Globe, while at the same time, destroying our economy. You people in the DC Ivory Tower need to wake up and pay attention. You're not the Master, you're the Servant.
Not only my opinion. Be Well
Friday, October 3, 2014
Obama, George Orwell, Propaganda, and War
If I didn't know better, I'd say that Barack Obama is channeling the spirit of George Orwell. Remember Orwell's classic, 1984? That book easily could be re-issued with the title, 2014. In the dystopian 1984, we have "doublethink", the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously... and accepting both of them. In 2014, we have the Obama Administration one day announcing, "Make no mistake, we are at war with ISIS"; a week or so later, the President claims that it's not really a war. We the People appear to accept both those propositions as true.
Also in 1984, we have "newspeak", a language with constantly shifting meanings of words, invented by the Totalitarian State in order to limit freedom of thought and any threats to the Regime. Concepts opposing the policies of the State are "thoughtcrime". In 2014, as just one example, we have the following. During the nomination hearings for John Brennan as CIA Honcho, an official Justice Department document surfaced indicating that "imminent"---as in "imminent threat"---no longer means "immediate" or "liable to happen very soon"; the definition was changed to something like "may occur sometime in the future". That's why the new Boogie-Man threat, the Khorasan Group, could be called an imminent threat. Another example--- war is no longer war; instead, it's "counter-terrorism". As to "thoughtcrime", we have the Feds banning Gov't employees from reading anything on the website, . Apparently if a Fed employee reads anything there, he/she is guilty of thoughtcrime.
In relation to Obama's drone wars, here's why the Feds claim there are almost no civilian casualties--- ANYONE killed by a Hellfire missile fired from a weaponized drone automatically is designated as an EKIA, enemy killed in action. The only way to change that designation is for someone to prove the victim's innocence. In other words, if you're near the SUSPECTS, then you're guilty until proven innocent. If that isn't Orwellian, I don't know what is. [This info came from a Democracy Now! interview today with Jeremy Scahill, author of the book, Dirty Wars.]
Obama not only says one thing and then does the opposite, he also says one thing and means another. Example of the first--- During his 2008 campaign, "Guantanamo, that's easy... just close it!", followed by cheers from the audience. The Gitmo prison complex still is open. Example of the second--- "ISIL consists of brutal terrorists who are attacking Iraq.". What he means is this: In large part, ISIS consists of former Baathist Generals & other high-ranking officers who were under Saddam and are trying to re-take their country. They were, of course, referred to as "terrorists" by our Feds. Bremer, the Iraq Occupation Czar under Bush, fired all 250,000 Iraqi Army personnel in 2003; by that action, he created a quarter of a million enemies of the USA. Then the al-Maliki puppet government began discriminating against the Sunnis, further inflaming the former Baathist Generals. They launched a civil war years & years ago. It's called Blowback. ISIS is not new.
[A bit of trivia: I find it curious that the Obama Administration insists on referring to the rebels as "ISIL" when everyone else calls them ISIS. The term "Levant" (the L in ISIL) must be especially important to the Administration for some unknown reason.]
Orwell quotes relevant to the current mess---
1. "In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." [by a "potential terrorist"]
2. "Big Brother is watching you." [and today, largely accepted by a propagandized public]
3. "...politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia." [enough said]
4. "All the war propaganda...comes invariably from the people who are not fighting." [Amen]
5. "War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it." [a tough sell, but true]
6. "If everybody believes it, does that make it true?" [today... apparently so]
It would be unfair to blame only Obama for all this--- the lies, the half-truths, the propaganda, the Gov't-Speak, the policies benefitting primarily the Oligarchy, the killing of innocent civilians (including children), the deceit, the ignorance of foreign cultures, the creation of enemies, the hubris, the failure to abide by the Constitution, etc. This all has been going on for decades. That, however, in no way excuses Obama... or the rest of the highest levels of our government.
Not just my opinion. Be Well
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Obama's Latest War Propaganda
On 60 Minutes this past Sunday, Our President essentially said this (paraphrased) about the current ISIS war: it's not really a war; instead, it's counter-terrorism. The unmitigated gall of the man finally has surpassed that of Dubya Bush & Dick Cheney...which I didn't think was possible. Mr. Obama, though I am loathe to lecture a President, I shall... simply because you appear to be in dire need of it.
You're not fooling us. We know full well that you recognize the following. When the military of one country crosses borders into other countries and then launches missiles and/or drops bombs, thus killing people and destroying infrastructure, that's known as war. Your attempt to sidestep the issue of your violating the U.S. Constitution by saying it's not really war is grossly pathetic. Incidentally, Mr. President, the NYT's editorial board & a Law Professor who wrote a Times Op-Ed piece agree that you are violating the Supreme Law of the Land. [The fact that the Times agrees is truly monumental.] Just so you know: we know that your latest war propaganda (it's not really a war) is BOGUS. The fact that you have a Constitutional Law background further convinces me that you, as well, know that it's bogus. [Anyone who needs more convincing might want to ask Glenn Greenwald (a former Constitutional Law attorney and present day Pulitzer-Prize-winning independent journalist) about it.]
As to Republicans at the highest levels in our Gov't, you should all be thoroughly ashamed of your lack of action relative to defending the Constitution. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot: both branches (Democrats and Republicans) of the only major political party in the USA---the Mega Transnational Corporatist Party--- abandoned the Supreme Law of the Land decades ago. In spite of that (and because of that), you should all be thoroughly ashamed. You're all apparently putting the State-Corporate Complex ahead of We the People.
After WW II, when the name of the War Department was changed to the Defense Department, someone (I forget who) remarked: that's Gov't-Speak for--- from now on, all our wars will be aggressive (as opposed to defensive) and/or unconstitutional. That person was prophetically correct.
Lastly, as I pointed out in my previous post (with examples), no military can defeat a terrorist organization. History has proven that. [There may be an exception in the record.] Terrorists are criminals; terrorism is a Law Enforcement issue. In general, military personnel are not cops and shouldn't be expected to function as such. Recent illegal wars by the U.S. Fed Gov't serve the primary function of enriching huge, transnational corporations. That is so obvious that it's painful.
[Sidebar--- Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes, the journalist who interviewed President Obama, is one of the very, very few Corporate Media employees who exposes the Corporatocracy. Kudos to Mr. Kroft!]
Not just my opinion. Be Well
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Fanatics, Oligarchs, Propaganda, and What's Really Important
Below is my Reply to a friend's email & an article he attached.
Another attempt to paint all Muslims as terrorists. Mohammed was warlike because when Islam was founded, polytheistic beliefs reigned supreme at the time in that region of Arabia, & their adherents all attacked Muslims...attempting to run them out of the region or kill them.
Yes, fanatics/extremists exist...a tiny fraction. You often ask why Moderate Muslims don't speak up. Perhaps in most cases they're afraid of being murdered by the nutcakes. Perhaps they fear they'll be attacked by "Right-Wing American Patriots" for defending Islam... a distinct possibility in this country. Some have spoken out, denouncing the fanatics...I've seen the videos. Then there are those clips cherry-picked by Fox, Beck, etc. that show the opposite.
If Muslims (of any stripe) break the law, then arrest them, try them, sentence them, & incarcerate them. It's a Law Enforcement issue, not a military one. The whole thing is Oligarchical, Boogie-Man Propaganda...and apparently, it works quite well. Sorry, but you'll never convince me otherwise. It's nothing but a huge DISTRACTION [from the ravages of Corporatism]. Yes, criminals exist; but to think that all Muslims are criminals is sheer nonsense. To quote the "Koran" (as many do), thus "proving" one's case, is ridiculous. Anyone can quote similar crap in the "Holy Bible"... one of the bloodiest tales in existence. It doesn't prove anything. Taking things out of context is such an easy gig. It boggles my mind that some Americans can be misled so easily.
This country really deserves to be ruled by Oligarchs and's such an easy sell to the majority of We the People... and, the Entertainers on the Fox network so obviously are not objective, not professional news people, and not at all concerned about the Republic of the USA. They're as bad as the clowns on CBS, CNN, NBC, etc.---the ones that serve pablum in place of news---Fox is just a different extreme [of the same distraction]. They are all the networks of the super-rich... and, as Machiavelli knew, the super-rich must sell the concept of the-Boogie-Man-is-coming if they are to remain in power. "The Prince" must be very pleased with the USA today. [End of Reply]
The most important political issues for Americans today have nothing to do with Muslims or terrorism. Instead, they are: the loss of much of our manufacturing base; the crimes inherent in Financialization; Crony Capitalism and the State-Corporate Complex in general; the fraud of Globalization; the ignoring of the Constitution whenever convenient; and the ongoing conversion of the USA into a Police State. Genuine participatory democracy does not exist here. The Middle Class continues to shrink. Jobs created by the super-rich more often than not are worth a tinker's damn. Wages essentially have stagnated for thirty years, but the Oligarchs' incomes have increased by 700%. Americans now can be arrested on our soil and held incommunicado indefinitely... no warrant, no lawyer, no habeas corpus, no trial. Most other issues are nothing but distractions.
Partly just my opinion. Be Well
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The Third Iraq War, Terrorism, and Common Sense
Let's set aside the U.S. Constitution for the time being. Instead, let us view the current war situation from the standpoint of common sense...simple logic. Query: why would anyone believe any of the following to be true???
1. The U.S. Gov't has been training and advising the Iraqi Army and security forces for about TEN years; therefore, we now need to train and advise the Iraqi Army and security forces. [Ditto Afghanistan.]
2. One way to defeat terrorism is to invade Muslim countries and bomb the hell out of them, thus further inflaming Muslim fanatics. That is to our advantage.
3. Another way to defeat terrorism is to launch weaponized drones into countries not at war with us and kill SUSPECTS. Any collateral damage sustained will not further inflame either terrorists or non-terrorists. They simply will accept it as, "oh well, that's war". There will be no repercussions or Blowback.
4. When we attack a faction [ISIS, for example] in a civil war [for which our destabilization of Iraq was partly responsible] BEFORE they attack or even threaten the U.S., we should not expect any retaliation on their part. After all, they are "terrorists"...we are not.
5. When we utilize inhumane practices such as "extraordinary rendition" and "enhanced interrogation", we should not expect that Muslim fanatics will retaliate in any way...or that any innocent people caught up in those abominations will become extremists.
6. Because criminal extremists ignore borders, we can as well. That's perfectly reasonable.
7. "There will be no American combat ground troops in Iraq." [He's giving us his word on that... and given the man's history with keeping his word, we should believe him. Even if Obama is sincere & telling what he believes to be the truth, there is no way on Earth that he can know what may be required for that war in the future.]
8. Another way to defeat terrorism is to intervene in civil wars.
9. Another way to defeat terrorism is to kill the Head Honcho (Osama) of the extremists and then dump his body at sea. There should be no Blowback from that.
10. Another way to defeat terrorism is to maintain Army, Navy, and/or Air Force bases in Muslim countries... the very thing that Osama said was his reason for launching a terrorist campaign.
11. Moving the U.S. Headquarters for the Third Iraq War from the Pentagon to the State Department shows that we are interested in more than just a military solution.
12. ISIS was not responsible for 9-11; nevertheless, they are so similar to Al Qaida that we are justified in attacking them... and we can use the same "authorization" that we used about TEN+ years ago. [There are no separate wars's all one big, continuous war.]
13. After we "defeat" ISIS, they won't simply fade back into the woodwork... to reappear later. The military option really is the best primary method to crush Muslim terrorists.
14. We can do it with no American combat troops on the ground. Airstrikes and supporting the "moderate" rebels in Syria will suffice. [These are the same "moderates" who recently beheaded six of their captives, and previous to that, sold a now-murdered journalist to ISIS for about $50,000. No worries that they will be our allies.]
15. All of this has absolutely nothing to do with access to oil or the estimated one trillion dollars worth of mineral resources (some of which are becoming very scarce in the world) beneath the ground in Afghanistan. Nothing at all to do with any of that. Your Gov't doesn't lie about such things.
Again, why would anyone believe any of that to be true?
Be Well
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Federal Organized Crime and War - A Partial History
1. Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution directs Congress to regulate the value of our money. A cabal of mega bankers managed to ram through the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Under that Act, the Fed Board of Governors assumes the task of regulation of our money's value; essentially, the Constitution was changed without the use of an Amendment or a Constitutional Convention. This is an example of Legislative Absolutism (a term coined by Justice Harlan in, I think, 1901)--- passing laws without regard for the constraints placed upon the Feds by the Constitution. The primary result of the Fed Reserve Act has been the debasement of the dollar. Compared to 1913, the dollar is now worth three or four cents. Meanwhile, mega bankers have become super-rich... "how" is too long a story for this post.
2. President Clinton bailed out Mexico with about $20 billion without the authorization of Congress. He did so to rescue a bunch of mega bankers here in the USA, bankers who were about to lose billions because of investments south of the border. Essentially, U.S. taxpayers bailed out mega bankers. In our system of gov't, spending bills must originate in the Congress, not in the Executive Branch. Clinton didn't bother with having Congress involved at all. This is an example of Executive Absolutism.
3. Clinton also committed our Armed Forces to both Haiti and Bosnia...without the approval of Congress. That also was a violation of Article I, Section 8... the portion tasking Congress with the duty of declaring war. Ever since the end of WW II, presidents have ignored the fact that Congress must declare war before the Commander-in-Chief is allowed to send our Armed Forces into battle. Congress was not in favor of either of those military commitments in 1993 and 1994. So, one might ask, why would Clinton do such a thing? Possibly it was for humanitarian reasons. Possibly it was due to a combination of reasons. Possibly it was because War is BIG Business. After all, "Aw, shucks" Bill is a Corporatist, not a Populist... despite public opinion and propaganda to the contrary. Ditto Hillary.
4. President Dubya Bush, the failed oil entrepreneur, greatly expanded upon Clinton's usurpation of power for the Executive Branch by having his underlings come up with an unconstitutional, crazy theory supporting the idea of pre-emptive war. Forget the Constitution--- we'll just attack and invade a country because its leader is a really bad man and might attack Israel or even the USA. Iraq's oil, of course, had nothing to do with this decision. Also having nothing to do with the decision was the fact that Saddam was on the verge of accepting Euros for oil instead of dollars. That would not bode well for the continuation of the dollar as the world's reserve currency. But it had nothing to do with the decision to invade. Right. Also, once again, War is BIG Biz...especially that war.
5. I won't even get into the greatest heist in American history--- the Bush-Bernanke-Paulson-Obama "Too Big to Fail" fiasco. The total benefit to mega bankers was a bit over $13 trillion...yes, trillion with a T. Now those banks are bigger and richer than they were before the fiasco. Plus, the regulatory "reforms" put in place after the fiasco were not much more than window dressing. Amazing.
6. Finally, we come to King Barack... the greatest violator of the Constitution in our history. He's also the best friend that mega bankers ever had. Yes, it's true that he has fined mega banks billions of dollars. They didn't even blink because that surely beats being prosecuted (which should have happened) and sent to prison. Everyone, including our King, knows that super-rich people rarely ever go to prison in this land of equality. As to the BIG Business of war under Obama, every one of his military actions has been unconstitutional... and a few violate International Law. [Example: attacking inside the borders of a country not at war with us, firing Hellfire missiles from drones at SUSPECTS, with the disapproval of the invaded country (Pakistan) is not only unconstitutional, but a violation of International Law as well.] These thoughts are not original with me, but most Americans may be unaware of opinion in other parts of the world because of the molding of the public mind by the Corporate Media in the USA.
I'm an old dog, and I never thought I'd live to see the day in this land when the Executive Branch could bamboozle We the People into believing that the "Commander-in-Chief" can do pretty much whatever and whenever with American Armed Forces... or the day when Congress convinced the People that laws supercede the Constitution... or the day when the Fed Courts supported soft Fascism here. I was wrong.
Partly just my opinion. Be Well
Friday, September 12, 2014
Obama Says He's Using "Existing Authority" for...
sending war planes into Syria. Really, Mr. Obama? What exactly is that existing authority? The military cannot be used legally to avenge the murders of journalists; that's a matter for Law Enforcement. In a previous post, I've explained the Constitutionally permitted uses of our armed forces, and the current scenario definitely is NOT included. The War Powers Act does not supercede the Constitution, so that law is not applicable; no other law trumps the Supreme Law of the Land either. Being "Commander-in-Chief" does not permit you to ignore other parts of the Constitution, so that's no good as your "authority" to, as you put it, "ignore borders". [You really have some HUBRIS, eh?]
That leaves only Treaties as a source of authorization. Do we have such a Treaty with Syria? I doubt it very seriously. If we do, perhaps you could show it to We the People. Perhaps our Treaty with Iraq comes into play; but then, Syria is not attacking Iraq. Perhaps you could show us that Treaty anyway. On second thought, forget it. I've never seen you use a Treaty for any similar "authorization" or scenario. By the way, in case you've forgotten, a Treaty must be approved by a minimum of 67 Senators; any "Agreement" signed by the highest levels of our Gov't that doesn't have that approval is NOT a Treaty. So, for example, NAFTA is not a Treaty; only 64 Senators approved it. It's mere policy. It does not have the approval of the People.
You stated (paraphrased) that anyone who harms Americans will be hunted down...there will be no safe haven anywhere for them. Good for you. If, however, you were talking about the murdered journalists, you have a big problem regarding your propagandizing rhetoric. See the first paragraph above. If you were talking about the 5,000 Americans working at our Embassy in Iraq, I don't believe any of them have been harmed at this point.
You announced that we won't bother the Syrian Gov't when we [illegally] bomb their land...that we're simply going to support the "moderate" rebels who supposedly are fighting ISIS. These are the same rebels our Gov't has been covertly arming for some time now. Also, as reported on Democracy Now, these are the same rebels who sold one of the murdered journalists to ISIS for about $50,000. The poor man's parents announced that at a recent Press conference. I imagine you were hoping that not too many Americans saw that one. Ooops.
Mr. President, a studied look into your eyes while you made your latest announcement seemed to me to reveal nothing but oligarchical double-talk, Gov't-Speak, and Edward Bernays style Propaganda. I only can conclude that you apparently believe We the People are either dumb as a post, completely ignorant, or propagandized to the point where we no longer can exercise critical thinking.
What you are doing in Iraq, and proposing to do in Syria, is illegal, definitely unconstitutional, unethical, and bordering on immoral. Among other things, it violates International Law. Oh, I forgot, the Fed Gov't has exempted itself from International Law many, many times. After all, you guys are "exceptional". Yes, you should protect Americans. That doesn't mean, however, you are allowed to go beyond the bounds of the U. S. Constitution. It doesn't mean you legally can invade another country just because it's convenient. I'm aware that many other Presidents have done so in the past. You may believe so, but that's no justifiable excuse.
Like other "Peace candidates"---LBJ, Nixon, Clinton---you've turned out to be a fraud, a puppet of the mega transnational John Pilger characterized you, "Brand Obama". As Noam Chomsky stated, "He's much worse than Bush."...he was referring to your peace v. war stance. Basically, you're a sellout. Shame on you.
Partly just my opinion... after over 50 years of keenly observing and studying American politics... and the U.S. Constitution.
Be Well
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Obama's Trial Balloon, RE: Syria
Brand Obama recently sent up a trial balloon regarding bombing inside Syria... to see the reaction of the U.S. public. This type of thing is done often by sitting politicians. Even in dictatorships, but especially in a soft Fascist State such as the USA (where we still have considerable freedoms), public opinion does matter. The DC Cronies, mostly via the Corporate Media, put forth an idea that is illegal and unconstitutional to see if the "meddlesome outsiders", the "bewildered herd", the "ignorant masses" (that's you and me) will raise any sort of objection or protest.
There appears to be little or no doubt that ISIS members are vicious, brutal fanatics. But that's not the issue regarding attacking inside Syria. The issue is this: what are the permitted and Constitutional uses of the U.S. military? So-called Conservatives (which now means NeoCons) and so-called "Liberals" (which now means Moderate Republicans) in our Fed Gov't apparently believe that the phrase "Commander-in-Chief" means that the President can do whatever he pleases with our Armed Forces. They also appear to believe that the War Powers Act trumps the Constitution. None of that is true.
What is being proposed relative to Syria is somewhat similar to Nixon's illegal and secret bombing of Cambodia during the Vietnam Conflict. [It was first called a "Conflict" by the DC Cronies because they knew that the Constitution required a Declaration of War...which they hadn't bothered with, just as with the Korean "Conflict".] The primary difference with Obama's Syrian proposal (trial balloon) is that it's not SECRET. Oligarchs don't much feel the need for a lot of secrecy anymore [there are many exceptions to that] because they figure that the "bewildered herd" (that's us) is so thoroughly propagandized and distracted that secrecy mostly is no longer some subject areas.
Let's be clear: bombing, attacking, shooting missiles into another country without a Declaration of War by the Congress is illegal and unconstitutional. Anyone who can read and has an IQ of at least 100 knows that... unless they are so propagandized by the Oligarchy that they no longer can think critically. It doesn't matter how vicious the enemy is, it doesn't matter that the President is Commander-in-Chief. What matters is: what are the requirements and limitations imposed by the U.S. Constitution? They are stated CLEARLY in the document. Parts of it are long-winded, but it's written with clarity.
It appears that both Liberals AND NeoCons have adopted the belief that the Constitution must be adapted to modern times...without the use of Amendments. We'll just read into it what we must in order to conform to modern-day life. That belief is not only tragic, but downright comical as well. There is no such provision in the Constitution. To change it, it must be formally amended or completely re-written. No other ways are permitted. It also appears that both Liberals AND NeoCons do not understand that our Gov't is one of Enumerated Powers (Google it).
I, of course, am convinced that all the DC Cronies (the Gang of 535) know better. They understand the limitations imposed by the Supreme Law of the Land on the Fed Gov't perfectly well. They simply ignore those limitations... and get away with it. Because of that, the U.S. Fed Gov't (at the highest levels) has become the largest terrorist operation in the world. You don't think so? Perhaps you should ask Pakistan, a country which is not at war with the USA but one where Hellfire missiles are fired from U.S. drones at SUSPECTS. Or perhaps you should ask the Gazans, civilians who were bombed by U.S. equipment (stamped "Israel" on the side, or something similar). Your tax dollars helped kill about 500 children just recently. Perhaps you should ask Sunni civilians in Iraq? Perhaps you should ask the democratically elected governments around the world that were overthrown by covert U.S. help. [Just prior to Allende being overthrown on 9-11-73, Kissinger told Nixon (two crazy people in a conference) that Chile---because it had elected Allende---was "a virus that could spread throughout Latin America". The coup was then engineered.] Perhaps you should ask the countries that were placed under "sanction" by the U.S. Gov't, in some cases resulting in the deaths of children. Madeline Albright once essentially stated that "it [punishing Iraq with sanctions] was worth the price" [the death of hundreds of thousands of children in Iraq]. Killing children, either directly or indirectly, is terrorism in my book.
ISIS was founded as a direct result of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, the years-long occupation by the U.S., and the so-called "collateral damage" inflicted upon Iraqis. Whenever we do such things, it's not terrorism...but when they do it, it is terrorism. Hypocrisy. According to all our Presidents, other countries must abide by International Law; but our Gov't has exempted itself time and again from any prosecution by the International Criminal Court. Finally, ISIS is a threat primarily to other Muslims, especially Shiites; the only reason it threatened the USA is because we attacked them FIRST (with the start of America's Third Iraq War a short while ago).
It would be great if Americans would deflate Obama's Syrian trial balloon.
Be Well
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Protests, Ferguson, the Hypocrisy of Brand Obama, & Oligarchies
A few years ago at some sort of Socialist Convention, John Pilger (a well-known Australian documentarian) gave a speech in which he characterized Obama as "Brand Obama...and it's all fake". There are so many examples of Obama's hypocrisy and deceit that I couldn't possibly relate even half of them to you. Despite that, two very recent examples have prompted me to comment.
1. A day or two ago, our President stated publicly that he was very concerned over the use of militarized police in Ferguson, Missouri...relative to Mike Brown's death and the ensuing public protests. Incredible. For years and years, the Fed Gov't (including the Obama Administration) has been instrumental in purposely militarizing local police...with gear, vehicles, weapons, and training. The excuse given, of course, is the Boogie-Man who replaced the Communist--- the Terrorist.
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for being protected against terrorism, but here's the problem. When police basically are turned into soldiers and use military-style vehicles in dealing with everyday citizens, a new dynamic becomes part of police-community relations. Common, law-abiding people are made to feel as though they ALL are some kind of "enemy". Peaceful protesters, exercising their Right to free speech suddenly are treated as if they are some sort of enemy. This violates long-held principles in this country, such as dissidents being able to voice their protests without fear, and the principle that the military should be used against citizens only in cases of EXTREME violence or insurrection.
2. Obama also stated just recently that journalists should not be harassed or jailed by the police just for trying to do their jobs. That statement is in direct contradiction to Brand Obama's actions via his Administration's relentless harassment of the New York Times reporter, James Risen. Never mind the Fed Gov't treatment of many other journalists whose "crime" appears to be that they're getting news stories from Fed whistleblowers.
All of the above illustrates some worrisome tactics of various Oligarchies. Too often, everyday people no longer are allowed to peacefully protest in this country. A day or two ago, a 90-year-old woman was arrested (with several other people) in a public space in front of the building that contains the Governor's Office in Missouri. They were protesting the situation in Ferguson. I'm wondering, did the police think this 90-year-old protester was a "terrorist", or some other threat to Missouri? I doubt it. The name of the Game in the USA today is to clamp down hard on lawful dissidence. The Oligarchs simply don't want to hear it. The abrogation of the First Amendment is nearly complete. Politicians still tell us that we have the Rights of free speech & assembly, and the Right to petition our Government...but in reality, we rarely are allowed to exercise those Natural Rights. Those at the highest levels in our Gov't, like Obama, say one thing and then do another...and they don't even try to hide it anymore. Instead, they simply spew out Gov't-Speak and Edward Bernays style propaganda.
Another long-standing tactic of Oligarchs and their Cronies in Government, a tactic being exacerbated in recent years, is instituting the idea of the "crime" of PRE-CRIME into our supposedly free society. So, for example, lawful and peaceful protests are confined to designated areas---usually distant from the event being protested---because someone MIGHT break the law. Or worse, public protesters are immediately arrested and hauled off because they MIGHT commit a crime. The protester is guilty of Pre-Crime. Another example--- pre-emptive invasions of certain foreign countries are deemed by the Oligarchs as Constitutional and ethical because the "enemy" country MIGHT attack us or our allies in the future. The "enemy" is guilty of Pre-Crime. This was Dubya Bush's primary public reason for invading Iraq in 2003. The private reason, I'm guessing, is a completely different story. Another example--- it is against the law to possess certain plant substances and imbibe them behind the closed doors of your home. The reason: you MIGHT commit a crime once you become "high". This concept, of course, does not apply to America's Drug of Choice, booze. You can possess all the alcohol that you so desire. That's because we discovered a long time ago that prohibition of substances does not work...never has, never will. I guess that lesson has been lost. Here's a clue, Oligarchs: in any sane Universe, possession of a plant substance is not a crime; it's not even the crime of Pre-Crime, which is a totally egregious and unconstitutional concept.
Partly just my opinion. Be Well
1. A day or two ago, our President stated publicly that he was very concerned over the use of militarized police in Ferguson, Missouri...relative to Mike Brown's death and the ensuing public protests. Incredible. For years and years, the Fed Gov't (including the Obama Administration) has been instrumental in purposely militarizing local police...with gear, vehicles, weapons, and training. The excuse given, of course, is the Boogie-Man who replaced the Communist--- the Terrorist.
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for being protected against terrorism, but here's the problem. When police basically are turned into soldiers and use military-style vehicles in dealing with everyday citizens, a new dynamic becomes part of police-community relations. Common, law-abiding people are made to feel as though they ALL are some kind of "enemy". Peaceful protesters, exercising their Right to free speech suddenly are treated as if they are some sort of enemy. This violates long-held principles in this country, such as dissidents being able to voice their protests without fear, and the principle that the military should be used against citizens only in cases of EXTREME violence or insurrection.
2. Obama also stated just recently that journalists should not be harassed or jailed by the police just for trying to do their jobs. That statement is in direct contradiction to Brand Obama's actions via his Administration's relentless harassment of the New York Times reporter, James Risen. Never mind the Fed Gov't treatment of many other journalists whose "crime" appears to be that they're getting news stories from Fed whistleblowers.
All of the above illustrates some worrisome tactics of various Oligarchies. Too often, everyday people no longer are allowed to peacefully protest in this country. A day or two ago, a 90-year-old woman was arrested (with several other people) in a public space in front of the building that contains the Governor's Office in Missouri. They were protesting the situation in Ferguson. I'm wondering, did the police think this 90-year-old protester was a "terrorist", or some other threat to Missouri? I doubt it. The name of the Game in the USA today is to clamp down hard on lawful dissidence. The Oligarchs simply don't want to hear it. The abrogation of the First Amendment is nearly complete. Politicians still tell us that we have the Rights of free speech & assembly, and the Right to petition our Government...but in reality, we rarely are allowed to exercise those Natural Rights. Those at the highest levels in our Gov't, like Obama, say one thing and then do another...and they don't even try to hide it anymore. Instead, they simply spew out Gov't-Speak and Edward Bernays style propaganda.
Another long-standing tactic of Oligarchs and their Cronies in Government, a tactic being exacerbated in recent years, is instituting the idea of the "crime" of PRE-CRIME into our supposedly free society. So, for example, lawful and peaceful protests are confined to designated areas---usually distant from the event being protested---because someone MIGHT break the law. Or worse, public protesters are immediately arrested and hauled off because they MIGHT commit a crime. The protester is guilty of Pre-Crime. Another example--- pre-emptive invasions of certain foreign countries are deemed by the Oligarchs as Constitutional and ethical because the "enemy" country MIGHT attack us or our allies in the future. The "enemy" is guilty of Pre-Crime. This was Dubya Bush's primary public reason for invading Iraq in 2003. The private reason, I'm guessing, is a completely different story. Another example--- it is against the law to possess certain plant substances and imbibe them behind the closed doors of your home. The reason: you MIGHT commit a crime once you become "high". This concept, of course, does not apply to America's Drug of Choice, booze. You can possess all the alcohol that you so desire. That's because we discovered a long time ago that prohibition of substances does not work...never has, never will. I guess that lesson has been lost. Here's a clue, Oligarchs: in any sane Universe, possession of a plant substance is not a crime; it's not even the crime of Pre-Crime, which is a totally egregious and unconstitutional concept.
Partly just my opinion. Be Well
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Part II: The Bush-Obama Doctrines
These blog pieces should not in any way, shape, or form be viewed as "anti-American". The principles of We the People in the USA have not been represented by the Fed Gov't for decades. I'm talking about the principles of freedom, Free Market Capitalism, fairness, and justice. Our Gov't has been co-opted by a fairly disorganized (but nevertheless effective) Oligarchy whose members don't believe in any of those things. That has been going on for a very long time. The dissidents in America are far more patriotic than the Oligarchs can ever hope to be or care to be.
Now, on to the Bush-Obama Doctrines, Part II. [Many other Democrat and Republican Administrations could be included, but for clarity I'll stick with only those two.]
1. Dictators around the world should be opposed... unless, of course, they march to the tune of the U.S. Fed Gov't. Then they should be supported. [Example: the Feds fairly recently gave the military dictatorship of Egypt 1.5 BILLION dollars in aid. This is the same dictatorship that conducts court trials of hundreds of dissidents at once; each trial lasts about 30 minutes. This is the same dictatorship that overthrew a democratically elected government. Previous to all that, the Bush Administration gave similar amounts of aid to the Gov't of the dictator Mubarak.]
2. Continue to inundate the People with Edward Bernays style propaganda. [Examples: lies about NSA surveillance; lies about the health of our economy; lies about Oligarchs "creating jobs"; lies about the power of the Office of President; lies about the role of the U.S. in world affairs; lies about mega banks; lies about conflict of interest in DC; lies about so-called "Free Trade" Agreements; and many other items too numerous to list.]
3. Tell the People whatever you think it is that they want to hear... even if it's untrue, or utter nonsense. [Examples: "Saddam is linked to Al Qaida"; "Our troops will be out of Afghanistan by 2014"... a bit later--- "Our troops will be out of Afghanistan by 2016"; "This is not anything like our involvement in Vietnam"; "We will assure the People of Iraq and Afghanistan the right of free choice"; "They hate us for our Freedom"; "We're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here"; "Our economy will collapse if we don't do this"; "Congress has NSA oversight"; "All NSA surveillance is authorized by a's all legal and Constitutional" (no mention that it's the kangaroo, rubber-stamp FISA "court"... a secret court... and no explanation of exactly HOW/WHY it's Constitutional... because it isn't.); etc., etc., ad nauseum.]
4. Originate (Bush) and continue (Obama) the concept of the Unitary Presidency... an absurd, false principle concocted primarily by John Yoo, former Counsel to Dubya. It's basic premise is that the Office of President legally can bypass Congress, the Courts, or anybody when undertaking actions previously denied by our system of Checks and Balances in government. [Google: Unitary Presidency.] The result has been to convert the Office of President into that of a virtual King.
5. Prosecute war criminals and terrorists... unless, of course, those same people are in the U.S. Fed Gov't. [Richard Clarke, former Counterterrorism "Czar" under Clinton, and for a short time under Bush, has stated publicly that he believes some of the actions of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld measure up to "war crimes". Noam Chomsky--- political dissident, political analyst, Professor Emeritus of M.I.T.--- has stated publicly that he believes the invasion of Iraq was in itself a war crime. Other prominent people in the world believe the same thing. I would ask this: did Iraq, a country that did not threaten or attack the U.S., and also a country that we supplied arms to in the '80s (including chemical weapons), have sovereignty in 2003 or not? Yes, Saddam was a brutal ruler; however, that has absolutely nothing to do with the Constitutionally permitted use of our military. Nothing at all. That war was completely unconstitutional. It was an exercise in NeoImperialism & Big Bullyism perpetrated by a President and supported by Senator Obama who both are puppets of the mega corporation Oligarchy. The Feds even provided tutorial conferences (relative to the war) for mega corporations, showing them how to belly-up to the Federal Money Trough, the Fed Gravy Train.]
6. Sign International Agreements relating to war crimes and terrorism... but exempt the USA's Gov't from being subject to any prosecution under their provisions. [That has been going on for decades. The Fed Gov't always has self-immunized itself from any such prosecution. That is understandable to some degree... until the Feds (as they often do) chastise some country or another for violating "International Law"... the Law to which the Feds are not subject... by their own insistence. That is completely bizarre.]
Out of time.
Be Well
These blog pieces should not in any way, shape, or form be viewed as "anti-American". The principles of We the People in the USA have not been represented by the Fed Gov't for decades. I'm talking about the principles of freedom, Free Market Capitalism, fairness, and justice. Our Gov't has been co-opted by a fairly disorganized (but nevertheless effective) Oligarchy whose members don't believe in any of those things. That has been going on for a very long time. The dissidents in America are far more patriotic than the Oligarchs can ever hope to be or care to be.
Now, on to the Bush-Obama Doctrines, Part II. [Many other Democrat and Republican Administrations could be included, but for clarity I'll stick with only those two.]
1. Dictators around the world should be opposed... unless, of course, they march to the tune of the U.S. Fed Gov't. Then they should be supported. [Example: the Feds fairly recently gave the military dictatorship of Egypt 1.5 BILLION dollars in aid. This is the same dictatorship that conducts court trials of hundreds of dissidents at once; each trial lasts about 30 minutes. This is the same dictatorship that overthrew a democratically elected government. Previous to all that, the Bush Administration gave similar amounts of aid to the Gov't of the dictator Mubarak.]
2. Continue to inundate the People with Edward Bernays style propaganda. [Examples: lies about NSA surveillance; lies about the health of our economy; lies about Oligarchs "creating jobs"; lies about the power of the Office of President; lies about the role of the U.S. in world affairs; lies about mega banks; lies about conflict of interest in DC; lies about so-called "Free Trade" Agreements; and many other items too numerous to list.]
3. Tell the People whatever you think it is that they want to hear... even if it's untrue, or utter nonsense. [Examples: "Saddam is linked to Al Qaida"; "Our troops will be out of Afghanistan by 2014"... a bit later--- "Our troops will be out of Afghanistan by 2016"; "This is not anything like our involvement in Vietnam"; "We will assure the People of Iraq and Afghanistan the right of free choice"; "They hate us for our Freedom"; "We're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here"; "Our economy will collapse if we don't do this"; "Congress has NSA oversight"; "All NSA surveillance is authorized by a's all legal and Constitutional" (no mention that it's the kangaroo, rubber-stamp FISA "court"... a secret court... and no explanation of exactly HOW/WHY it's Constitutional... because it isn't.); etc., etc., ad nauseum.]
4. Originate (Bush) and continue (Obama) the concept of the Unitary Presidency... an absurd, false principle concocted primarily by John Yoo, former Counsel to Dubya. It's basic premise is that the Office of President legally can bypass Congress, the Courts, or anybody when undertaking actions previously denied by our system of Checks and Balances in government. [Google: Unitary Presidency.] The result has been to convert the Office of President into that of a virtual King.
5. Prosecute war criminals and terrorists... unless, of course, those same people are in the U.S. Fed Gov't. [Richard Clarke, former Counterterrorism "Czar" under Clinton, and for a short time under Bush, has stated publicly that he believes some of the actions of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld measure up to "war crimes". Noam Chomsky--- political dissident, political analyst, Professor Emeritus of M.I.T.--- has stated publicly that he believes the invasion of Iraq was in itself a war crime. Other prominent people in the world believe the same thing. I would ask this: did Iraq, a country that did not threaten or attack the U.S., and also a country that we supplied arms to in the '80s (including chemical weapons), have sovereignty in 2003 or not? Yes, Saddam was a brutal ruler; however, that has absolutely nothing to do with the Constitutionally permitted use of our military. Nothing at all. That war was completely unconstitutional. It was an exercise in NeoImperialism & Big Bullyism perpetrated by a President and supported by Senator Obama who both are puppets of the mega corporation Oligarchy. The Feds even provided tutorial conferences (relative to the war) for mega corporations, showing them how to belly-up to the Federal Money Trough, the Fed Gravy Train.]
6. Sign International Agreements relating to war crimes and terrorism... but exempt the USA's Gov't from being subject to any prosecution under their provisions. [That has been going on for decades. The Fed Gov't always has self-immunized itself from any such prosecution. That is understandable to some degree... until the Feds (as they often do) chastise some country or another for violating "International Law"... the Law to which the Feds are not subject... by their own insistence. That is completely bizarre.]
Out of time.
Be Well
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
The Bush-Obama Principles and Doctrines
1. Respect a country's sovereignty only when it serves the interests of the U.S. Fed Gov't and the Oligarchs who own that Gov't.
2. Never refer to the Constitution except when saying, "Stop telling me about the Constitution; the Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper." ~ George W. Bush.
3. Refer to those in a civil war who are not the puppets of the U.S. Fed Gov't as "terrorists". [Example--- A day or two ago, Obama referred to the Iraqi Sunnis (who are in a civil war with the Iraqi Shiites) in that exact way. He also said that, short of sending in ground troops, he would aid the Iraqi Gov't in order to defeat said terrorists in Iraq...and so, too, to make sure they never attack our Homeland. Query: do people really fall for that line?]
4. If a whistleblower exposes Fed Gov't criminality, then criminalize that whistleblower. [Examples--- Tom Drake, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and several others.]
5. Bail out financial institutions who have made reckless, incredibly speculative investments...and who should (according to the principles of Free Market Capitalism) eat the consequences and fail. Lie to the People, saying that if those Financialization Institutions are not bailed out, our entire economy will collapse. Protect the mega banks that swindled investors from criminal prosecution.
6. Allow mega corporate cronies to become Fed Gov't cronies, and in the process, give them a capital gains tax break of hundreds of millions of dollars. [Example: Hank gains tax break of $200 million. There are others as well. Put out a cover story saying that's how we attract the best people to Gov't.]
7. Do whatever Israel says. Ignore and/or suppress the fact that the founders of the State of Israel were once themselves terrorists...back when that land was British Palestine. Ignore and/or suppress the fact that current Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories violate International Law.
8. Support all so-called "Free Trade" Agreements...especially when they facilitate the export of jobs and manufacturing from the USA, thus allowing the super-rich to become even richer.
9. Cover up Fed Gov't criminality by using this phrase over and over: National Security.
10. Talk the Egalitarian Talk, but then do what's best for the Oligarchy. Continue mega corporate welfare at the highest level possible. Make certain that billionaires essentially can buy elections.
11. Continue the lie that the Fed Reserve benefits Main Street. Don't let the People know that the Fed provides essentially free money (the Discount Window) to so-called investment banks...and that those "investments" are not for job creation, but rather are for speculative derivatives that benefit only insiders.
12. Continue the myth that because of certain legislation the Congress supposedly does not have to declare war before the President can put troops on the battlefield. [That LIE has been one of the most successful falsehoods ever put forth by the highest levels of the Fed Gov't. The false premise in that concept is that Laws supercede the U.S. Constitution. Please.]
I could go on...and on...and on. Time constraints do not permit it.
Be Well
2. Never refer to the Constitution except when saying, "Stop telling me about the Constitution; the Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper." ~ George W. Bush.
3. Refer to those in a civil war who are not the puppets of the U.S. Fed Gov't as "terrorists". [Example--- A day or two ago, Obama referred to the Iraqi Sunnis (who are in a civil war with the Iraqi Shiites) in that exact way. He also said that, short of sending in ground troops, he would aid the Iraqi Gov't in order to defeat said terrorists in Iraq...and so, too, to make sure they never attack our Homeland. Query: do people really fall for that line?]
4. If a whistleblower exposes Fed Gov't criminality, then criminalize that whistleblower. [Examples--- Tom Drake, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and several others.]
5. Bail out financial institutions who have made reckless, incredibly speculative investments...and who should (according to the principles of Free Market Capitalism) eat the consequences and fail. Lie to the People, saying that if those Financialization Institutions are not bailed out, our entire economy will collapse. Protect the mega banks that swindled investors from criminal prosecution.
6. Allow mega corporate cronies to become Fed Gov't cronies, and in the process, give them a capital gains tax break of hundreds of millions of dollars. [Example: Hank gains tax break of $200 million. There are others as well. Put out a cover story saying that's how we attract the best people to Gov't.]
7. Do whatever Israel says. Ignore and/or suppress the fact that the founders of the State of Israel were once themselves terrorists...back when that land was British Palestine. Ignore and/or suppress the fact that current Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories violate International Law.
8. Support all so-called "Free Trade" Agreements...especially when they facilitate the export of jobs and manufacturing from the USA, thus allowing the super-rich to become even richer.
9. Cover up Fed Gov't criminality by using this phrase over and over: National Security.
10. Talk the Egalitarian Talk, but then do what's best for the Oligarchy. Continue mega corporate welfare at the highest level possible. Make certain that billionaires essentially can buy elections.
11. Continue the lie that the Fed Reserve benefits Main Street. Don't let the People know that the Fed provides essentially free money (the Discount Window) to so-called investment banks...and that those "investments" are not for job creation, but rather are for speculative derivatives that benefit only insiders.
12. Continue the myth that because of certain legislation the Congress supposedly does not have to declare war before the President can put troops on the battlefield. [That LIE has been one of the most successful falsehoods ever put forth by the highest levels of the Fed Gov't. The false premise in that concept is that Laws supercede the U.S. Constitution. Please.]
I could go on...and on...and on. Time constraints do not permit it.
Be Well
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