Monday, February 23, 2009

Our Outlaw Fed Government

Obama & Company, though a little better than BushCo when it comes to Liberty, are demonstrating that they really don't understand the Constitution...or, that they are ignoring it.

"National security" does NOT invalidate the Constitution...unless you're a DC Dope...or a Fascist...or some other kind of Totalitarian. "Extraordinary Rendition" (E.R.) is the illegal kidnapping of SUSPECTS, with zero regard for due process. Nowhere does the Constitution authorize the Fed Govt to engage in the kidnapping of noncombatants. Anyone who supports E.R. thereby supports a form of totalitarianism and an outlaw government. Like Bush, Obama & Crew support it. That's an outrageous affront to a free society. So much for the glowing words and the engaging smile of the campaign.

It is long past time to boycott our outlaw Fed Govt; unfortunately, that will never happen. Instead, we will continue down the path toward Totalitarianism, thinking all the way that "voting" is going to save us. Wake up, Amerika.

Just my opinion.


Jefferson's Mammoth said...

George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four" was amazingly prescient! According to the old rumsfeld memo they can use "fear of animals" on unpersons, so its only a matter of time before they build that rat-mask.

Scott Haley said...

Amen to that.

The Establishment is smothering opinion diversity and any sort of dissent, even if peaceful

At universities and in government halls around the world, and especially in the USA and Israel, free speech is being egregiously suppressed ...