Thursday, May 26, 2022

Stock Market 101, the Steady State Economy, & the Trophic Theory of Money

 The U.S. Stock Market appears to be on the cusp of a serious decline, perhaps even an outright Crash.  Here's an ecological economics view of the situation---
Brian Czech is a long-time ecologist in the realms of both wildlife and humans.  He's the Executive Director of the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.

Here's everything you need to know about the trophic theory of money---
This journal article will make it clear to you why ecological economics is the most reasonable option for attaining a sustainable society, one which is fair, just, and environmentally friendly.  It's a brilliant piece.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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The Establishment is smothering opinion diversity and any sort of dissent, even if peaceful

At universities and in government halls around the world, and especially in the USA and Israel, free speech is being egregiously suppressed ...